Germany: Afghan Refugee Ficki Fickis Girl, Gets Probation

Daily Stormer
September 1, 2016


Poor boy didn’t even do nothing. Yet Nazis still putting him on probation, smdh.

All men are disgusting pigs, and all sex is a form of rape. In fact, men should be put in jail just for looking a a girl with a lewd look in his eyes. That’s the only way we’ll stop the patriarchy and end toxic masculinity once and for all.

Needless to say, none of that applies to Moslem refugees, of course.


New year’s eve raged with a Sex Mob on the Reeperbahn, hundreds of complaints of assaults on women went to the police. Now a particularly blatant case actually landed in court, but ended only with a suspended sentence.

And the reasons by which it comes of convicted Afghan, will make you speechless!

While in Germany, the sensitization to sexual offenses and “No means No” is celebrated, the judgment produced by the Hamburg Regional Court  gives a very different impression.


Who’s “them?” Straight White males? Sure.

The purpose of all this “rape” propaganda is to shame and demoralize the white man, to emasculate him by telling him that any interaction with women different from groveling is a form of rape. So it’s quite understandable that the same standards wouldn’t apply to non-whites.

Zmaray N. (19) had followed the young Harburgerin (19) early in the New Year’s Day from the neighborhood up to Stellingen. There came to sexual acts and much violence. A local resident found at 9.10 am the battered Abiturientin alone helpless, calls the police.

The judge yesterday for the accused: “He held down the injured’s mouth and pulled down her panties. In order to increase his sexual arousal, he bit her breasts and ribs. Then masturbated. “

Why the perpetrators still comes with 24 months of probation?

The judge held the Afghan refugee very well. The man had been “fascinated that one can go anywhere, celebrate and drink as you want and can run around unveiled women”.

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This is the judge. Seriously. So much for “female solidarity.”

“Oh, the rapist is fascinated by our freedoms? Better let him roam free then.”


These people don’t even strain for a good reason to be excusing the behavior of these animals.

Well, the obvious practical reason is that there isn’t enough room in German jails for all the middle eastern rapists currently in the country.

So since the government has absolutely no intention of sending all these animals back, they have to be let loose on the street.

Will the Germans ever rise up against this oppression?


You did it once. You can do it again.