Germany: Afghans Use Smartphones to Organize Ficki Ficki Riot Against Teen Girls

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 28, 2016


Hundreds of thousands of Afghans have fled the brutal civil war in Afghanistan for Germany, only to be oppressed by Nazis.

If these dumb Nazi sluts had covered their blond hair they wouldn’t have this happen to them.

It’s high time Germany take responsibility for gassing all those Jews and converts to Islam.

Until then, I’ve got no sympathy for girls getting a bit of the old ficki ficki by an Afghan mob.

Remember: these teenage girls killed the six million innocents.

The Local:

A trio of teenage girls in northern Germany were sexually harassed by a large group of men in northern Germany on Thursday, echoing the events of New Year’s Eve in Cologne.

The incident took place between 5.30 pm and 7.30 pm on Thursday evening in Kiel, the capital of Germany’s northernmost state, Schleswig-Holstein.

As the teenagers aged between 15 and 17 went for dinner together, they were followed by two young men, both from Afghanistan, police report.

The two men then started filming the girls with their phones as they sat in a restaurant near the harbour.

According to statements the girls gave police, the men then appeared to send the video or pictures to other people.

Reports are that these men were using Android phones.

Sony Android phones that were nearly a year old.


New Hitler: Angela Merkel has flat-out denied the fundamental human right of all Afghanis to be given a free iPhone 6S+ by the German government. The UN has compared this to the Rwandan genocide.

After gassing the six million chosen ones, these German Nazis can’t even give iPhones to these migrants. The Germans won’t even give them the Samsung S6 Edge. Instead, they have to organize their vibrant cultural activities using a second-tier smartphone.

Can you imagine that?

You escape a brutal civil war in Afghanistan and you are stuck using 5 megapixels to film German women in restaurants?

Within a few minutes a group of up to 30 men had arrived at outside the restaurant.

Two of the girls ran from the restaurant at this point and managed to shake off a group of around ten men who followed them.

But when they returned to look for their friend, two men sat next to them and began again to harass them.

According to the current investigations none of them men attempted to physically assault the girls.

And I’ll tell you what, buddy: if there’s a sexual assault by immigrants against White women in Germany, the police are going to be the first to report it.

Oh boy, you betcha.

German police love reporting on immigrant sex attacks so they can make the immigrants look like sex attackers.

Police were alerted by other customers at the restaurant. When officers took four of the men in to check their identities, the men resisted and have been charged with attempted grievous bodily harm.

A spokesperson for the police in Kiel explained to The Local that they came to the scene on suspicion that two men were threatening other restaurant patrons and would not stop.

The other two men are being investigated for their attempts to commit violence against law enforcement officials.

Yeah. Just like they charged the Jews for “violence against law enforcement” after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Germans: They’re never going to change.

They will continue on forever in their hatreds.