Germany: Angry German Pensioner Attacks a Bunch of Moslem Savages

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2018

Why would he do this?

Doesn’t he know these migrants are his only hope for having his pensions paid?

I smell steam rooms coming.

The Independent:

A drunk pensioner attacked and wounded three migrants with a knife because he was angry about the German government’s refugee policy, officials believe.

Prosecutors in southwest Germany said the 70-year-old man wanted to send a message with the assault over the weekend.

The man, who has German and Russian citizenship, seriously wounded a 17-year-old Afghan in the attack near a church in the city of Heilbronn.

A 25-year-old Iraqi and a 19-year-old Syrian were also lightly injured.

Bettina Joerg, spokeswoman for Heilbronn prosecutors, said that the suspect was drunk and wanted to send a signal “about the current refugee policy.”

Daily Stormer does not condone violence, but this is neither the worst or most surprising thing in the world.