Germany: Catholic Bishops in Eastern Germany Tell People to Not Vote AfD

Germany has gone full anal mania. The country’s government was already totally obsessed with flooding the country with immigrants (as long as they don’t support Palestine).

Of course, the Catholic Church is working hand-in-glove with the government, pushing for anal, child anal, and burying the nation alive in a horde of brown people.


As the German political and media establishment mobilizes against the Alternative for Germany (AfD), Catholic bishops are joining in against the party and are calling for Catholics to “stand for democracy” in the fight against the AfD.

Six German bishops, who are responsible for the so-called eastern bishoprics, issued the call in a new statement released on Friday: “Democratic processes and institutions are being questioned and disparaged. Populist, right-wing extremist and anti-Semitic positions are becoming increasingly acceptable. Mistrust, hatred and agitation are driving society apart.”

The six signatories of the statement are Gerhard Feige from Magdeburg, Heiner Koch from Berlin, Stefan Heße from Hamburg, Wolfgang Ipolt from Görlitz, Ulrich Neymeyr from Erfurt, and Heinrich Timmerevers from Dresden-Meißen, according to Vatican News.

The Catholic bishops, who receive their wage and board from the Church, claim that Germans are essentially being tricked into supporting the AfD.

“They are insecure, angry and afraid of social decline. This must not lead us to allow ourselves to be taken in by populist statements and seemingly simple solutions,” the letter states.

The Protestants aren’t any better

They also pointed to the Nazi era, which taught Germans that human rights must be respected, and this idea must be the main motivating factor behind governments. A party that calls these values into question cannot be voted for.

That is so gay.

So gay.

What are people supposed to do when the Church itself is trying to destroy Christianity?

What even are the options?

You just have to do what is right.

Many Catholics are now telling you to do anal with men. You know that’s wrong. You must therefore stand against it.

AfD is now polling 2nd in the entire country