Germany: Fascist Parents Complain After Mayor Decides to House 80 Invaders on Primary School Grounds

You can tell these people are evil by the fact that they speak German

Shut the hell up, bitch ass.

This here is migrant country.

Germany is a place where every building or structure of any kind is just migrants on welfare selling drugs and engaging in organized crime.

We’re also just throwing containers wherever and filling them up with these people.

This is part of the latest iteration of the ongoing German apology for the Holocaust. If you’re wondering why it is so extreme, it’s because the “German Holocaust Challenge” is that every decade the apologizing doubles in difficulty. By the 2060s, German schoolchildren will be forced to play Russian roulette every day before and after recess with a revolver with an Anne Frank skin.

This is why we have to stop Putin from invading Europe. If he took over Germany he would be like “this is retarded – get these monkeys out of here, they’re making a mess.”


Outraged parents have condemned the local mayor’s decision to accommodate up to 80 asylum seekers in containers on the grounds of a primary school in the German town of Monheim am Rhein.

Dozens of local residents attended a recent question time of the local council to voice their displeasure over the controversial move proposed by Mayor Daniel Zimmerman’s administration and expressed their concerns for child safety, calling the plans both inappropriate and unacceptable.

Starting next spring, a cohort of migrants will reside in containers located on the school grounds, which are no longer used for educational purposes.

In response to the protestations of locals, the council cited economic factors as a primary reason for the move, insisting that the estimated €150,000 it would cost to convert the containers into housing was substantially lower than the cost of renting private accommodations, where around 80 percent of the migrants recently received by the municipality currently reside.

The cuck mayor, Daniel Zimmerman

“We simply can’t keep up with renting anymore,” a city press spokesperson told parents at the meeting.

Concerned parents told the council meeting that the housing of traumatized refugees in the vicinity of young children was wholly irresponsible, and expressed worries of potential conflict between the new arrivals and their children including the danger of rape or abuse.

However, Zimmerman called these fears “unfounded” and insisted that the migrants are “people like you and me” and are not dangerous.

“The safety of our children is the primary goal – I personally guarantee that,” the local mayor assured parents.


“They’re not dangerous.”

How does someone say that without cracking up laughing?

This place definitely looks like it could use a few thousand Somalis