Germany: Syrian Refugee from Ghana Who Raped Woman Actually Gets Jail Time

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 23, 2017

Eric X.

Surprisingly, the Syrian refugee from Ghana who raped a German woman in front of her boyfriend was given a prison sentence.

Fox News:

A rejected asylum seeker who raped a 23-year-old German woman in front of her boyfriend after threatening the couple with a saw — and who then called the victim “a prostitute” in court — was sentenced to nearly 12 years in prison Thursday.

The man, identified by local media only as Ghana native Eric X., was convicted after DNA evidence linking him to the crime was found on the victim and at the crime scene, The Local reported. He was also found guilty of stealing a speaker and $7 from the couple. Eric X. received an 11 1/2 year prison term.

“If the court says the DNA fits, then I have to call the girl a prostitute,” the man told the court during the trial. “Anyone who supports this girl who claims to have been raped is the dirtiest person on earth.”

It wasn’t immediately clear why Eric X. was allowed to stay in the country. Authorities said on April 2 he used a saw during an attack on a couple camping at the public Siegaue Nature Reserve near Bonn.

The victim told police she did not resist the attack, even though there was a Swiss army knife in the tent, and she told her boyfriend to call police, The Local reported.

But the frantic boyfriend reportedly struggled to convince police that the attack had happened and that he needed help.

“You are not f—–g with me I hope?” said one officer who took an emergency call, according to The Daily Mail.

To be fair to the Ork, the guy was a huge cuck.

He should have taken the situation into his own hands.