God Hates Celebrities; Goes Full Gomorrah on California

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 11, 2018

You know, there’s a very long list of things in the world that would get better without Jews and Boomers.

For example, the news. 

Weather-related news would just end. 

No one gives a fuck about weather-related news at all. Boomers do, probably because they need to know what days are good for mowing their lawns.

The rest of us don’t have lawns and will never have lawns – but we still have to tolerate weather-related news dominating the news for weeks at a time.

NBC Los Angeles:

A destructive 35,000-acre brush fire, pushed by strong Santa Ana winds, marched through Los Angeles and Ventura counties toward the sea, destroying at least 150 homes and forcing the evacuation of more than 200,000 people.

Firefighters are looking ahead to a narrow window of calm wind Saturday as they battle to gain ground on the Woolsey Fire, which burned 35,000 acres and forced closures on the 101 Freeway and Pacific Coast Highway. After a brief respite from the strong winds, a red flag warning goes into effect against early Sunday and isn’t set to expire until Tuesday evening.

The fire indiscriminately consumed multi-million dollar mansions and mobile homes alike Friday, turning what it touched to ash as it forced a citywide Malibu evacuation and sent residents scrambling to find a way out of the burn area. The fire, which erupted Thursday afternoon in Ventura County but raced into Los Angeles County, chewed its way through brush and into neighborhoods of Westlake Village and Malibu. The fire was zero percent contained as of Friday evening and reportedly jumped Pacific Coast Highway about 10 p.m., moving toward Malibu Colony.

I won’t get mad if you choose not to read that. It was just a long list of weather, time and location-related facts related to lawn care.

But the firestorm is headed for Malibu, gunning for celebrities. 

Driven by 50- to 60-mph winds, the flames jumped south across the 101 Freeway in the Liberty Canyon area early Friday, sending it on a course through Malibu and its exclusive celebrity enclaves — Caitlyn Jenner’s home was reportedly among those destroyed.

It was unclear how many homes were lost as the fire relentlessly advanced, but on-scene crews reported dozens of structures burning in various canyons. There also were reports of flames ripping through an apartment building and a mobile home park, along with people calling authorities to say they were trapped in burning structures.

God kills trannies, fags and celebs first.

That’s what the story was all about in the bible: punishing decadence and Hollywood-tier explosions.

By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land. Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

This is divine punishment.

I hope 6 million celebrities and boomers lose their expensive cardboard mansions in this blaze.

God would straight up kill them, but truly, in his infinite wisdom, he knew that burning their material possessions down would hurt them more.