“Good Men Project” Publishes Guide to “Fragile Masculinity”

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2018

The “Good Men Project,” a Wall Street financed blog (financed in big part by Jew board member Ken Goldstein) that teaches men how to never get laid again, has just released a guide on “fragile masculinity.”

The attack on male identity is based on worn-out Freudian canards. Freud is famous for deconstructing the sexes down to mere differences in genitalia, e.g., “anatomy is destiny.”

From this foundation, all types of nature-haters have built intellectual houses of cards on it. The trite baloney would collapse if ever hit with even the slightest draft, which is why they must use their greater funding and Jew-provided platforms to invent tricks that dissuade people from questioning these assertions in “polite society.”

The Good Men Project suggests that reacting when Western manhood comes under political and cultural attack is somehow pathological. Imagine if doctors started interpreting a functional Patellar reflex as a sign of illness!

Good Men Project:

There’s a sweatshirt that I’ve fallen in love with that says, “I’m too clumsy to be around fragile masculinity”.

It’s funny to me because (a) I’m clumsy, known to fall both up and downstairs at the drop of a hat, and (b) fragile masculinity is this thing that I confront on a regular basis as a writer, outspoken feminist, and participant in the #MeToo movement. Clearly, this is a sweatshirt that should be hanging in my wardrobe.

But fragile masculinity itself is far from funny. In fact, it’s part of the toxic masculinity that perpetuates rape culture and misogyny. But it’s a very real thing, and if you’ve been accused of having it, consider this an opportunity to address it.

Identifying Symptoms

So what are the symptoms of fragile masculinity? They are quite easy to identify. When confronted with an issue related to gender or social progress, fragile masculinity tends to manifest in one or more of the following ways:

  • The declaration of “not all men”

  • The assertion of “men, too”

  • A feeling of offense on behalf of oneself or all men

  • Coming to the aid of unknown men without all the facts

  • An attempt to play devil’s advocate or present other sides to the story

  • Accusing others of being sexist against men

  • A discomfort with being seen as feminine in any way (example: avoiding pink shirts or activities that could be considered as more feminine than masculine)

  • A discomfort with being identified as a member of the LGBTQ+ community (example: loudly declaring what you’d do if a gay man hit on you, vociferously declaring your passion about women for all to hear, etc)

  • Clarifying that you aren’t (a) feminine or (b) gay when no one asked

It’s important to perform a differential diagnosis to determine if one’s masculinity is fragile or if something else is presenting. If you have manifested one of the aforementioned symptoms, it’s likely that you have a case of fragile masculinity. However, sometimes this may be a temporary case related to a specific personal experience.

For example, you may have said “men, too” in an effort to speak up about your own experiences of sexual harassment or assault as a part of the #MeToo movement. You likely did not mean to take anything away from the movement, and you may recognize that harassment and assault are more prevalent among women than men. However, you wanted to be able to draw attention to the fact that #mentoo experience assault. Perhaps you were just trying to relate, empathize, and even support the movement, and had good intentions. If so, you may not have a case of fragile masculinity.

So turning down a homosexual’s advances or finding a woman sexually attractive means you are insecure about your masculinity.

Which goes back to the original problem with the sexual revolution: marginals replace normals as arbitrators of social norms. This bitch wouldn’t call fags eating each other’s feces on public transportation and getting giardia thrice in as many months out-of-bounds.

But in this mangled mess of a troll, there may be a subtlety I agree with. Crystal Jackson, the mauve-haired feminist pig author, fixates on defensive arguments for masculinity as proof of it being flimsy. Millennial women often reveal subconscious complaints about lack of hard masculinity by writing things that test the limits of nu-males and soyim. How much of your dignity are you ready to sacrifice?

She is right in calling it fragility in that sense, but for the wrong reasons. Men are born to be on the offensive, e.g., solar man vs. lunar woman. Man, of course, is a penetrative force in every sense of the word. When you find yourself on guard, you are losing.

When you find yourself splitting hairs about how “first wave feminism” is good and “third wave” is bad (they’re all just different stages of bad) like Sargin, then you have succumbed.

At that point, you might as well replace your copy of Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations with this Gender Studies 101 kike crap.