Goofy: Mexican Children do Weird Ritual for Holohoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2018

Back in 2001, a Jew named Stephen Steinlight wrote a now-infamous paper entitled “The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography” for the Center for Immigration Studies.

The core of his argument was that white people have a special reverence for the Jews, a special reverence for the Holocaust, and that incoming brown people simply view Jews as especially privileged white people. He made the argument that Jews should be against mass nonwhite immigration, as it would remove their special place in American society.

Of course, that view lost out, as most Jews feel it is more important to destroy white people than to protect themselves.

Nonetheless, Jews are still doing their best to indoctrinate brown people into the cult of the chosen ones.

So you get these Mexican children making butterflies for gassed kikes.

Suwannee Democrat:

Rose Calvillo has a goal.

She wants to see 1.5 million butterflies adorning the walls of Varnell Elementary School.

“I want to remember the 1.5 million children who died during the Holocaust,” said Calvillo, who is a fifth-grader at Varnell. “It’s important that we remember the Holocaust, so that it doesn’t happen again. We need to remember everyone who died, but I think it’s really important to remember the children who died.”

Calvillo and her classmates are learning about World War II and the Holocaust, and for their class they had to do a presentation. Calvillo chose as her topic the children who died during the Holocaust, the systematic murder of some 6 million Jews and millions of others by Nazi Germany and its collaborators.

“I didn’t want to believe it,” Calvillo said of the Holocaust. “I felt like crying every time I read about it. I still don’t want to believe it. But if we forget about it, if we ignore it, it’s like they died twice.”

You don’t have to believe it, my little Mexican friend.

It didn’t happen.

“Rose learned about the Butterfly Project, a worldwide effort (by the Holocaust Museum Houston) to collect 1.5 million butterflies to honor the children killed during the Holocaust,” said teacher Beth Taylor. “So we decided to have our own Varnell butterfly project.”

The idea came from a poem called “The Butterfly” by Pavel Friedman, a Jewish poet from Czechoslovakia who died at Auschwitz. He wrote the poem while imprisoned in the Theresienstadt concentration camp, also known as the Theresienstadt ghetto, when he was just 21.

There are several English translations of the poem. The one used by the Holocaust Museum Houston ends with the lines “Butterflies don’t live here/in the ghetto.”

Taylor said the idea for the presentations came from another fifth-grade student, Valeria Camarillo.

“On her own, she went out and learned about Anne Frank and came back and did a presentation,” Taylor said. “That just inspired everybody. All the children wanted to do their own presentations, and I just ran with it.”

Frank is one of the most well-known victims of the Holocaust due to the posthumous publication of her diary, which describes her life in hiding from the Nazis in the Netherlands from 1942 to 1944. She was just 15 when she died at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

“I knew a little bit about Anne Frank, and since we were discussing World War II in class I decided I wanted to learn more about her,” said Camarillo. “Reading her story made me very sad, but I also wanted to share it.”

This whole program is on its last leg.

Because it isn’t just Mexicans that don’t give a shit. Young white people don’t give a shit.

The natural response to the Holocaust propaganda at this point is: “yeah, well. things are tough all over.”

The basic concept that in the current year, with everything that is happening, the thing we need to be worried about is a bunch of Jews who allegedly died 70 years ago in fake shower rooms on a different continent, is no longer viable.

So enjoy the attention from these poor psychologically traumatized Mexican children while it lasts, Jews.

The jig is just about up.