Government Wants More Subsidies for Already Heavily Subsidized Marijuana Industry

Why would a country want its population to be high on drugs?

Can you think of reasons why that would be a goal of a government?

We might mention that the British used drugs as a weapon against the Chinese, literally dropping off pallets full of opium on the shores outside their villages.

The British were not subsidizing opium for their own citizens.

New York Post:

The marijuana industry is thriving. Last year the $21 billion industry grew by over 5%, faster than the U.S. economy as a whole. At the same time, states from California to Massachusetts have decided the industry needs to be subsidized. A coalition of Democratic senators is now calling for the Small Business Administration to come to the aid of the industry.

This is the same industry that, for decades, the U.S. government spent billions trying to snuff out. Illegal cannabis operations continued to thrive despite their efforts.


Wonder how that happened?

Does the US government selectively enforce laws? Because that would be a tyranny.

State governments have taken issue with the legal industry consisting of well-connected marijuana entrepreneurs that have pushed out minorities who were most-commonly prosecuted for cannabis crimes. New York established a $200 million fund for minority marijuana marketers. Michigan is a relative piker, giving $1 million in grants to help with “social equity funding.”

That is really, really funny.

“Drug dealing used to be a black industry, but now that we legalized drugs, the blacks don’t have opportunities to be involved in the lucrative drug dealing industry.”

This is like if the EU legalized organ trafficking and then started sending extra aid to occupied Kosovo.

New Jersey chipped in $12 million last year, “The Cannabis Equity Grant Program allows us to simultaneously expand the pool of cannabis businesses in our state while also focusing on those communities most impacted by the unethical War on Drugs,” Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy said. Colorado launched a similar program the same year. Pot convicts will get grants funded by Washington state to launch their businesses.

In other cases, states have heavily regulated and taxed the market, often producing unworkable rules that industry operators have said stifle it. That’s why California funded a $100 million bailout in 2021 for marijuana companies burdened by rules that have led users back to illegal dealers. Pot retailers got another $20 million boost in 2023.

Massachusetts paid $27 million in grants to licensed operators, but the marijuana industry wanted more. The grants weren’t big enough to “help any business survive,” Sean Hope, who owns a Cambridge pot business called “Yamba,” told CommonWealth Beacon.

This is all cartoonish.

What kind of country is this?

Legalized drug dealers now demand the government give them free money? And the government does it?

Why would the government be giving any business free money? In theory, all of that money comes from taxes on other businesses.

Is this level of social engineering sustainable?