NYC: Group of American-African Youths Attacks Hasidic Jew in Disgusting Anti-Semitic Hate Crime

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
September 20, 2019

The Jew walks as if he owned the street because he does own the street.

It was only a matter of time before whites infected blacks with the scourge of anti-Semitism.

This is what happens when you don’t punch Nazis.

Daily Mail:

A Hasidic Jewish man in New York City was beaten and robbed by four hooded men in what authorities are calling a ‘random’ attack.

Surveillance video shows the disturbing moment a man, 24, was assaulted by four unidentified males on Warsoff Place between Flushing and Park Avenues in Brooklyn.

Around 9.35pm, the victim is seen walking home while the four suspects skulk towards him from the other side of the street.

Two of the four suspects approach the victim, while the other two wait to the side, before the victim senses danger and sprints away.

Two of the suspects approach the victim before beginning to repeatedly punch him across the body.

According to CBS 2 New York, the suspects told the victim to, ‘give me everything you’ve got.’

NYPD said: ‘The victim did throw his iPhone on the ground and was then punched in the arm and face. The individuals fled with the victim’s phone.’

In the following days, the investigation has been picked up by the 97th precinct and being followed up by NYPD Hate Crimes.

Authorities are enlisting the public to help identify the suspects while images and footage has been released on social media sites.

As anti-Semitic attacks have recently increased, Former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind expressed outrage over the attack and called for action.

On Twitter, Hikind wrote: ‘Is it open season on Jews in NYC?! This cannot go on! We will not tolerate this!’

‘New Yorkers must show up this Sunday at City Hall Park to demand a proper response to this scourge of antisemitism!’

He also wrote: ‘With another violent antisemitic attack on an identifiable Jew last night, it’s all the more imperative that New Yorkers come together to denounce this hatred & demand proper protection!’

CBS 2 New York reports that the Anti Defamation League is offering a reward up to $10,000 for anyone who can provide information leading to an arrest and conviction in the case.

This incident comes at a time when visibly observant Jewish individuals are unable to walk the streets of Brooklyn without feeling fearful that they may be assaulted or attacked because of their religion or faith,’ they told CBS 2 New York.

This latest attack comes off the heels of a series of anti-semitic attacks in New York.

Blacks are attacking Jews because of their religion or faith, just like everyone else the Nazis did.

It’s not just the streets of Brooklyn that aren’t safe for Jews; college campuses are no longer safe for them either.

This is a crisis.

The Washington Free Beacon:

Anti-Semitic harassment on college campuses aimed at pro-Israel students jumped by 70 percent in the past year, the highest levels ever seen, according to a new study showing that the endorsement of anti-Israel causes by students and professors has created an unsafe environment for Jewish students.

Harassment of students who expressed pro-Israel ideologies jumped 70 percent from 2017 to 2018, according to a new report by the AMCHA Initiative, a campus organization that monitors anti-Semitism on more than 400 college campuses and that has recorded some 2,500 anti-Semitic incidents across the U.S. since 2015.

AMCHA found in its latest report that while examples of classical anti-Semitism decreased overall, there has been a major spike in students being targeted for hate speech and violence due to their open support for the state of Israel.

Criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic, robbing a Jew is anti-Semitic, not agreeing with something a Jew says is anti-Semitic — pretty much anything that in any way, shape or form goes against anything that Jews say or do is anti-Semitism.

We have to take a stand against this and punish the evil people who criticize Israel.

It is our duty to serve the Jews because they are our greatest ally and they also have a democracy in a piece of land that we’ve given them. In exchange for everything that we give them, they give us their friendship in return.

This is a productive relationship that we must defend against all enemies — no matter the cost.