Groyper Supreme Commander Nick Fuentes Gets Viciously Smeared on the Top of Drudge!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 18, 2019

This is called “painting a target on someone’s back.”

On Sunday, Our Young Hero Nick Fuentes was featured on the Drudge Report front page.

Right underneath the top line, which was some silly nonsense about the stupid impeachment thing that no one cares about.

Right there: his face.

The face of the protagonist, the face of the little Mexican boy who came to save America from the Jews.

You should have seen my face.

As is the way of the Drudge – which, let me remind you, is a Jewish publication – there were two links below the face of our hero.

The first was from The Hill.

And what did it say?

Nothing good, I can tell you that.

The Hill:

A fringe group of far-right activists have been disrupting conservative and pro-Trump events in recent weeks, drawing rebukes from mainstream Republicans who are eager to separate the party from white nationalists and alt-right racists.

Count those trigger words in that lede, nigger.

You’re gonna have to count them, for serious, because I can’t count that high.

A small but vocal group of young men led by 21-year-old broadcaster Nicholas Fuentes received national attention this week after heckling Donald Trump Jr. at an event in California, where he was promoting his new book “Triggered.”

Fuentes and others on the far right have been publishing calendars of events held by Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, conservative media stars Ben Shapiro and David Rubin and others, including Trump Jr. and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), in an effort to have their followers infiltrate and disrupt the events.

“Infiltrate and disrupt” is a codeword for “go to the events and ask questions at the Q&A.”

But wait – here’s a non-defamatory sentence.

The alt-right activists view Kirk and Shapiro as insufficiently conservative on issues like immigration and claim to be carrying the mantle for President Trump. Members often show up at the events wearing red Make America Great Again hats and Fuentes’s show is called “America First” in a nod to the president’s popular slogan.

Shapiro, who is Jewish, and others have described the disruptions as an insidious effort to smuggle racist and anti-Semitic ideologies into the conservative mainstream.

At a speech at Stanford University this week, Shapiro lashed out at Fuentes, calling him a “garbage human being” whose views are “obviously white supremacist garbage.”

Shapiro did not call out Fuentes by name, as he and others are worried that fighting back will elevate the fringe group and give them more attention than they deserve.

But it was clear that Shapiro was directing his fire at Fuentes, whom he characterized as the leader of the next wave of the alt-right movement.

“Some call themselves ‘America First’ to hijack President Trump’s slogans to give themselves a patina of credibility … you’re seeing them adopt the beliefs of some of these other movements in order to find cover for their own vile belief system,” Shapiro said.

Fuentes’s followers are called “Groypers” and identify themselves with the image of a fat, green frog, who looks similar to the original alt-right “Pepe” character.


Fuentes’s YouTube show has been a factory for bigoted, anti-Semitic and racist content.

The 21-year old attended the “Unite the Right” white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017, and later posted on his Facebook page: “The ruthless transnational elite know a tidal wave of white identity is coming and know that once the word gets out they will not be able to stop us. The fire rises.

Fuentes has lashed out at Rubin, the conservative YouTube star, who is Jewish and gay.

“You want to talk to Jewy Jewstein?,” Fuentes said. “I’m David Rubin and this is the gay Jewish show. Today we’ve got a Jew.”

And in another anti-Semitic segment, Fuentes questioned whether the Holocaust took place, while likening the burning bodies of Jews to cookies baking in an oven.

That’s when the fire REALLY rises – when you stack bodies 20 high and burn them in the open air in a field using wood.

But seriously… why is this article talking about this? It is a new article about how there is a group of young conservatives who are dissatisfied with the establishment, or is it an examination of thousands of hours of Nick Fuentes content in search of the naughty words?

In an interview with The Hill, Fuentes insisted that he is not racist, anti-Semitic or a white nationalist. Fuentes said he believes that the Holocaust did take place and that the “cookies” bit was said for shock value.

“I’ve never advocated for a white ethno-state,” Fuentes said. “Multiracialism is here and we have to live with it and [the question is] how will we do that?”

Fuentes said that in hindsight, he probably would not have gone to the Charlottesville rally if he had known it would be co-opted by David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, and Richard Spencer, a white supremacist and neo-Nazi.

He said that some of his remarks are meant as outrage trolling to draw attention to his show or as over-the-top digs at political rivals aimed at getting under their skin.

“That’s kind of the whole thing,” he said. “We have figured out the game. The algorithm. We’ve hacked the conversation where if you say sensational things like we do, you get attention. I don’t want it to be like that. I wish I could ascend with ideas.”

To the surprise of some longtime conservative media figures, Fuentes’s cause has found an ally in Michelle Malkin, the former Fox News contributor. Malkin did not return a request for comment.

But for the most part, conservative media has been sounding the alarm about the need for the party to banish Fuentes and his followers.


What does it mean???

Will they run him out of town on a rail???

We are an army! Look at our numbers!

“[Fuentes] and his followers are scum of the earth and their bad faith, anti-Semitic attacks should be shot down by the entire conservative movement,” Republican strategist Caleb Hull said on Twitter.

The Trump Jr. protests received media attention for what many viewed as a delicious irony — the president’s son being shouted down by right-wing protesters, although the story changed once it became clear that these were not mainstream conservatives.

Fuentes said that he has no issues with Trump Jr., but rather that he’s trying to get the president and his family to see Kirk as a conservative fraud.

And then catch this: The Hill totally reframes the Crenshaw threat to dox and ruin the lives of the Groypers, getting a quote from him saying he “felt sorry” for them.

After the “Groypers” confronted Crenshaw at a public event in Arizona, the congressman said that he felt sorry for the young protesters.

Crenshaw predicted they would grow up to regret having been captured forever on video and revealed as racists.

“This is the alt right 2.0 because the alt right was discredited,” Crenshaw said. “So what they do is try to cloak themselves in some logical nationalism or MAGA-hat wearing America First rhetoric, which a lot of conservatives agree with, and then they use that to cloak their anti-Semitic leanings, and their racist leanings, and it’s pretty gross. You’re going to regret this.”

That is not what happened.

We have video of what happened.

These boys were saying that they disagreed with sending all of these billions to Israel, and Crenshaw said “you’ll regret this.”

It’s on video!

You can’t fool us, The Hill!

We know what he meant! That was a threat by a sitting Congressman against college kids who disagree with American foreign policy!

None of this has anything to do with “racism”!

It’s a hoax!

The Other Article Drudge Linked

The second article at the top of Drudge next to Nick Fuentes’ face was from The Washington Post.

It was basically the same exactly thing. Except maybe it wasn’t quite as bad as The Hill version. Though it had all the same slurs.

From it:

At stake, analysts say, is how President Donald Trump’s youngest voters define Trumpism. Will they embrace white nationalism and similar far-right causes – or reject them?

“Part of this is an internecine war within conservatism,” said Nicole Hemmer, a Columbia University scholar and author of “Messengers of the Right,” a 2016 book on conservative media. “Who is the true follower of Donald Trump? That’s the fight you’re seeing.

Fuentes, a Boston University dropout who lives in the Chicago suburbs, has emerged as a champion of those on the right who believe mainstream conservatism – in their words, “Conservative Inc.” – has gone astray. He attended the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, but denies he is a neo-Nazi or a white nationalist.

On his “America First” YouTube show, Fuentes espouses “demographic realism.” That means he takes the hardest line possible against immigration: “We’re slamming the door so hard that people’s faces are shattering,” Fuentes says. He also expresses fear about what will happen to America as its population becomes much less white – “dramatic and radical change,” he says, “that will come with not insignificant consequences and not all of them good.”

That is a good, fair quote, I think. It’s surrounded by all the slurs and defamation, but it is a good quote by itself.

Fuentes on his Internet show denounces same-sex marriage and “transgenderism” as “deviancy,” and he questions U.S. foreign aid to Israel. In January, Fuentes likened the Holocaust to a cookie-baking operation led by the Cookie Monster in a video monologue that implied he questions the death toll of 6 million Jews.

Fuentes said he is Catholic and that his ethnic background includes Mexican heritage through his father’s ancestors. In a video after the August shootings in El Paso, Texas, that left 22 dead, including Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, Fuentes declared: “The easiest way for Mexicans to not get shot and killed in Walmart is for them to not [expletive] be here.”

Asked about that statement and others, Fuentes said in an email: “I don’t feel compelled to explain every ‘shocking’ phrase I’ve uttered in the over 1,000 hours of content I’ve produced in the span of four years. It’s kind of missing the point.”

His show’s audience, Fuentes said, is “zoomers,” those born after the mid-1990s in what is known as “Generation Z.”

Reveling in the attention he has received lately, Fuentes cheers those who call themselves “Groypers” – the name of a far-right meme based on a cartoon toad – and troll prominent conservatives. Shapiro is one target. Another is Charlie Kirk, founder of the conservative student network Turning Point USA, who moderated the Nov. 10 event at UCLA with Trump Jr.

Turning Point declined to comment on Fuentes.

Kirk wrote Thursday on Twitter: “Ethno-nationalism is Un-American. It has NO place in the conservative movement.” Trump Jr. retweeted another Kirk statement denouncing white supremacists who came to a Turning Point event.

Fuentes said he supports the president and Trump Jr. but not Kirk.

Thomas Main, a professor of public and international affairs at Baruch College and author of a book on the alt-right, said the vocabulary of such fringe movements is in constant flux.

Participants tend to “put everything ironically and knowingly,” he said, “so the outsiders have difficulty knowing what’s going on.” But those participants also crave attention, especially on college campuses. When they get noticed, Main said, they say to themselves: “Hey, if I’m outraging everybody, I must be doing something right.”

Yeah, if your enemies are outraged, you’re doing something right.

How could that be controversial?

Hey King, Keep Your Head Up


As you know, you are now way past Charlie Kirk and his people coming at you.

The entire establishment – both left and right – is now on you, and is going to do everything they can to destroy you.

This right now is them painting a target on your back. This is “Get Fuentes.”

The whole world is about to come down on you, like nothing you can even begin to imagine.

They are going to go after every member of your family. Not just your immediately family, but your extended family. They are going to stalk basically everyone you know. They will use journalists to do this, but it will be purely for intimidation purposes.

They will park cars outside of the homes of your family members. They will come up on property and look into windows. And there isn’t really anything you can do about it.

So, get ready.

Tell your family. Your whole family. And anyone else you know. They’re also going to go through everyone you knew in high school, and they will find people to lie about you.

So I mean. Just get ready for that. It is coming right now. And it is going to be emotionally difficult, even with your particular disposition.

But God will help you through it, and I’ve no doubt you’ll manage.

All it means is that you’re winning.