Happening: Hungarian Academic Talks About Race War and White Genocide on National TV

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 10, 2016

It’s happening.

As was prophesized, all of our memes are going mainstream.

A Hungarian academic just went on TV in the wake of the Cologne attacks and said that race war is coming to Europe, and went so far as to mention a “globalist” (read: Jew) war against the White Man.

Zsolt Bayer, Hungarian journalist, publicist, and co-founder of Hungary’s currently ruling political party, and Dr. László Bogár, former politician and leading economist, discuss the Cologne sexual assualts committed by migrants on New Year’s Eve, 2016.

This short part of the 60-minute long television program that aired on Echo TV on January 8, 2016, is of a rant by Mr. Bogár warning of WWIII and the background powers inciting the whole thing.

The Daily Stormer was accused of mad extremism when it debuted. As it turns out, we were just about three years ahead of the curve. In 2016, everything that you’ve been reading here for the last two and a half years will be headline news.

We have entered the age of the race war.

Whatever happens, brothers, remember this: we shall be victorious.

It is our divine right.