Happy Easter, Everyone. Christ is Risen.

Happy Easter!

I trust everyone is doing fantastic on this holiest day of the Christian calendar.

Today we remember when Our Lord God rose from the grave after having died with the sins of all humanity on his back.

This is not a political day. However, it is a fact that the murderers of Christ still walk the earth today, and are trying to destroy our souls. They want to take revenge on the followers of Christ because they failed in killing Christ.

When Satan failed to kill Christ, he realized that the true victory for his agenda is corrupting the souls of men, of preventing them from reuniting with God, and this has been the mission of Satan’s followers ever since.

I am talking of course about the Romans.


That’s a little bit of Christian Easter humor.

In fact, as the reader is aware, it was the Jews who murdered Christ, and it is the Jews who have been working to destroy the Christian faith for two thousand years, that they might thwart Christ’s mission by dragging souls down to hell.

This fact has a lot of political implications, of course, and the political implications of this fact have been the focus of this website for 10 years. However, the basic and original fact that the Jews are the enemies of Christians and the soldiers of Satan is not a political fact in and of itself, but a spiritual and religious fact, and a basic fact of reality.

The purpose of human life is to make peace with God. That is your only mission over the course of your short time on this earth. The way that you make peace with God is first by acknowledging that this is the purpose of your life and then working towards closeness with God through Christian behaviors, i.e., “doing the right thing.”

The goal of the Jews is twofold: they want to stop you from realizing that the purpose of your life is to reconnect your soul to God, and they want to prevent you from succeeding in doing so by dragging you down into sin.

This is why Jews try to ban the Christian faith, doing various weird and seemingly petty things like banning prayer in school, banning the Ten Commandments being shown in public buildings, and spreading disinformation about the life of Christ.

They then promote to you the seven deadly sins, urging you to engage in them so as to taint your soul and prevent the process of reconnecting to God from taking place.

These deadly sins have never been as common as they are today. The fact that our society is controlled by the Jews means that these sins define our social order.

  • Lust – Jews promote pornography and sex outside of marriage as the norm
  • Gluttony – Jews promote overindulgence in food, and promote unhealthy and processed foods to cause people to become addicted to foods with no nutritional value
  • Greed – Jews promote a fixation on the material world, and therefore on money, teaching that a man’s value is measured by his financial success, and driving people to collect ever more material wealth that they are unable to take with them after they die
  • Sloth – Jews promote laziness, usually in the form of addictions; these include addictions to entertainment media and addictions to drugs, both of which cause a man to lose his energy and his motivational drive; most of the West is now addicted to something, and marijuana is now celebrated by the Jew culture as morally good
  • Wrath – An uncharitable and angry spirit is promoted to the people in the form of the feminine ideal of social orientation; we see especially among the political left that these are very angry, hateful people, who have no love inside of them, no peace inside of them, and are fueled purely by negative motivations of being against other people
  • Envy – The entire celebrity culture, which is a creation of the Jews, is about showing lifestyles that are decadent, materialistic, and hyper-sexualized on the media and causing people to become envious of those celebrities that live these lives; celebrities are an object of idolatrous worship, but key to the worship process is being discontent and resentful that you are not able to live this wanton lifestyle of feeding hedonism
  • Pride – Among the most insidious of the sins of our culture is the celebration of man and one’s own achievements above the grace of God; throughout society, you are encouraged to view yourself as an end in itself, with the most obvious form of this being the sexualization of society; this sexual pride is typically associated with women, but this primarily female form of pride is spread throughout society through the homosexual movement, which actually takes the word “pride” as its title; even heterosexual males are encouraged to view themselves as primarily sexual, and to define themselves by sexual achievements; meanwhile, more traditional forms of male pride still exist, as men celebrate their material wealth and other achievements as their own rather than giving the glory to God

Surely, we have all engaged in some or most of these things.

The good news is, Christ has already died and risen, and forgiven us for all of these sins which we commit. Our only duty as men is to accept Christ’s grace, to acknowledge that we are imperfect beings filled with sin, and to work tirelessly to overcome this sin nature in order to purify ourselves.

There is no way to absolutely overcome sin. We will always be sinners, because we were tainted by the actions of our whore mother, Eve. The first and most important act is to never celebrate sin as good, to acknowledge sin as sin, and to then engage in repentance for the sins we’ve committed, to not let the sin remain on our souls. Recognize the sin, repent of the sin, and try your best to not engage in the sin.

In this society, gluttony and sloth are two of the most aggressive sins. If you are fat, you cannot really ever clear yourself of your sin, as you carry the sin with you until you lose the weight. Just so, those who are addicted to drugs are in a constant state of sloth. Pornography and sexual addiction is dangerous, but you are able to escape from it by repenting and trying your best not to engage in it again, whereas with gluttony and sloth, you have to work for an extended period to rid yourself of the sins.

It is important to remember that the opposite of a state of sin is a state of good health. This means spiritual health, of course, but it also means physical health. In the political order of the current year, our society is dominated by the Jews, and sin is everywhere, but we all have the ability to control our own personal lives, to repent of sin, and to make ourselves healthy.

Ultimately, this day should be about thanking Jesus for what He did to save us. We owe our very existence to God alone. This life is a gift that we were all given, and it is up to us to make the best of it. Along with giving us life, God has given us a path to make the best of this life.

Everything we do should be in service of living the best life, of embracing God’s will and his plan for us, of leaning into the Holy Spirit and doing what is right in this world with bravery and humility.

First, acknowledge truth in all things. Lies are the Devil’s most insidious trick, and the only way to overcome a world of lies is to always seek the truth, to embrace the truth, and to live in truth.