Hawaii: Volcano About to Shoot Out 10-Ton Boulders

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2018

They honestly deserve it.

Stupid sons of bitches.

When was the last time someone threw a virgin in this volcano?

The 60s?

Mercury News:

The ongoing surge in volcanic activity on Hawaii’s Big Island soon could cause a massive explosion from a volcano’s summit, scientists and Hawaii officials warned Wednesday.

Kilauea, the longest-erupting volcano on the planet, has displaced some 1,700 people and destroyed 36 structures since a shifting flow of underground magma last week burst through the surface in a residential neighborhood about 40 miles from the top of the volcano, unleashing torrents of molten rock and toxic gases.

Scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said Wednesday that the movement of magma from the summit out toward the Leilani Estates neighborhood, where 14 fissures have opened in the past week, has caused the lava lake at the top of the volcano to drop in elevation.

When that lava lake meets the ground water level – which they think is most likely to happen sometime in the next few weeks – it could lead to a series of powerful steam explosions that could shower the surrounding area in 10-ton molten rocks and spew ash as far as 20 miles downwind, the scientists said during a conference call with reporters.

“If an explosion happens, there’s a risk at all scales,” said Donald Swanson, a USGS volcanologist. “If you’re near the crater, within half a mile, you could be subject to ballistic blocks weighing as much as 10 or 12 tons.” If you’re within several miles, you could be within range of smaller rocks the size of marbles, he said, and 20 miles downwind “you would see fine ash floating from the sky like snow.”


They’re all doomed.


The Korea thing was never an actual threat.