Heil Zugspitze: A Journey to the Summit of the Tallest Mountain in Germany

Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
October 19, 2014

Over the past six years I have spent a good amount of my leisure time hiking mountains.  I believe hiking is a rewarding activity for many reasons.  It provides a sense of adventure within the natural world while testing the mental, physical and spiritual endurance of the individual.  Unfortunately, far too many White men and women spend the vast majority of their leisure time staring at screens watching Jewish produced entertainment and propaganda.  White men in particular have been programmed to attach their identity as a man to professional sports teams – most of which are infested with a myriad of non-White athletes.  This has caused White men to become lazy blobs of jelly who sit around eating junk food and drinking beer while they obsess over every aspect of their favorite sports teams.  The Jews are destroying the soul of the White man through these artificial constructs and this needs to end.  I believe to repair this damage, the White man should return to the natural world to strengthen himself mentally, physical and spiritually.  This is why I hike and attempt to summit mountains because I believe it is not only a good way to test ourselves, but it provides a chance for us to return to the pioneering roots of our ancestors.

I have personally obtained the summit of the 67 mountains in New England that are 4,000 feet above sea level or higher.  I’ve also survived a lightning storm on the summit of Mount Whitney the tallest mountain in California while reaching the summit of other important state high points including the tallest peaks in Colorado, Texas and New Mexico.  During my visit to Germany my plan was to summit Zugspitze which at 9,718 feet above sea level is the tallest mountain in Germany.

Even though the Germans have engineered a train system that will take you to the top of the mountain, I do not believe that anyone who utilizes such a system has truly earned the right to say that they obtained the summit.  The easiest route to the top of Zugspitze on foot without the use of rock climbing equipment and other technical gear is a 12 to 13 mile trek from the Olympic stadium in the town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.  I began my solo summit attempt near sunset at around 8 PM – finding my way down the trail with a headlamp.  The first 2/3 of the trail is relatively flat without a whole lot of elevation gain.

After hiking for about 3 hours I setup my tent near the second hut located along the trail and slept until sunrise.  I awoke around 6 AM to find myself in a relatively open area with impressive looking rocky areas surrounding me.


I proceeded along the trail for roughly another hour or so until encountering the third hut located along the trail.  To this point there was not a whole lot of elevation gain but the total elevation gain from the trail head to the top of Zugspitze is over 7,000 feet.  This meant that most of the elevation gain lay ahead.


After taking a short break I prepared myself for the steep ascent which would undoubtedly be the most difficult part of the hike.  My first goal was to reach the fourth and final hut to rest and eat before making my final push to the top of Zugspitze.


Here are some of the pictures I took during my ascent up to the final hut.  As you can see, the views really started to open up as I gained elevation.  Needless to say the views were very impressive.





After arriving to the fourth and final hut, I took a much needed break.  What’s great about these huts is that they offer a substantial variety of food and drinks.  They even serve beer.  There were already a number of German hikers eating and drinking beer while taking in the views.  This is a unique cultural difference between what you see in America versus what you see in Germany.  I have never seen a hut along a hiking trail in America serve beer but in Germany it appears to be common and part of the hiking culture.


After eating and resting for about a half an hour I began my push up to the top of Zugspitze.  Below are more pictures I took between the final hut and the summit.  As I got higher and higher I encountered an increasing amount of snow which made things a little more difficult.  Regardless, the views opened up even more the closer I got to the summit.






Right before you get to the summit there is a cable car system that ferries passengers who took the train up to the top.  For those who journey on foot like myself there is a network of cables attached to the rocks which you have to hold on to with your hands to avoid slipping and falling down the mountain.  Many of the German hikers came with safety equipment that they used to attach themselves on to the cables as they proceeded upwards.  From what I saw, German hikers appear to be very safety oriented.  I did not bother with any of this but made sure to carefully ascend the remainder of the mountain.  My progress was slowed as I had to wait for the German hikers ahead of me to continually attach and re-attach themselves to the cabling system.  Even though it took a little longer than I expected, I finally made it to the summit at around 2:30 PM.

Below are some shots from the summit.  The Germans have constructed several buildings on the top of the mountain.  There’s restaurants, a gift shop and much more.  What’s unique about Zugspitze is that the border between Austria and Germany goes right through the mountain so you can actually cross the border between the countries while on top.  I would argue that Austria and Germany should still be a single country but that’s a whole other story.  Either way, it is possible to descend into Germany or Austria from the top of the peak.







I wanted to share this because even though it is necessary to expose all of the negative things that are happening, I believe that it is good for us to discuss some positive things.  I also hope that this will encourage others to experience their natural surroundings and to take care of their bodies.  After all, we must be strong physically, mentally and spiritually if we are to defeat our political enemies.  Weakness will not bring victory.