Hero Steve King Under Vicious Assault by Blood-Drinking WaPo Kikes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2018

Steve King was harassed at a forum on Thursday and blamed for the synagogue shooting.

By a man with a very unique nose.

Come on, Shlomo.

If you’re going to do ambushes of goyim, at least get a nosejob.

This comes after the WaPo accused him of meeting with Neo-Nazis in Austria.

In fact, he met with the Austrian Freedom Party, which is a basic bitch Alt-Lite party that has a couple guys who were in more hardcore groups when they were teenagers (it is explicitly not a “Neo-Nazi” party).

Then the Washington Post had a report on this confrontation at the forum written by – DRUMROLL – Eli Rosenberg.

This whole Jew thing is really, really getting public, isn’t it?

Washington Post:

Republican Rep. Steve King, a member of Congress frequently criticized as aligned with the themes of white nationalism, is in the midst of a surprisingly tense reelection race in Iowa.

At least one poll has shown his Democratic challenger, J.D. Scholten, within striking distance, although FiveThirtyEight still gives King a nearly 83 percent chance of winning.

And growing attention to King’s affiliation with far-right groups and figures, including a Nazi sympathizer, has culminated with the possible beginnings of a donor boycott. A handful of corporations, including Intel and the dairy company Land O’Lakes, have announced that they will no longer support King financially. Even the Republican Party issued a sharp rebuke of King that stopped just short of saying he promoted white supremacy.

The scrutiny built toward a confrontation Thursday after King was harshly questioned about whether his racially tinged views on immigration shared any similarities with those of Robert Bowers, the suspect in the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting Saturday who had said he was motivated by a fear of “invaders” responsible for his “people” being “slaughtered.”

Video of the confrontation circulated widely after being captured by Iowa Starting Line, a political blog in Iowa.

A questioner in the room read statements from Bowers and King, and then said he thought King shared the shooter’s ideology regarding immigration.

“No, don’t you do that,” King said, cutting the man off. “Do not associate me with that shooter. I knew you were an ambusher when you walked in the room. But there’s no basis for that.”

I wonder how he noticed the guy as soon as he walked in the room?


The man continued trying to ask King his question about what distinguishes King’s ideology. But the congressman cut him off.

“You’re done. You crossed the line. It’s not tolerable to accuse me to be associated with a guy that shot 11 people in Pittsburgh,” King said. “This is over, if you don’t stop talking.”

It was not immediately clear who the man who confronted King is or whether he was there representing any political groups.

It appears to me that he was representing an ethnic group.

The WaPo then goes on to admit that the controversy around King was caused by their reporting.

King spokesman John Kennedy said that Iowans were calling in after seeing the video to say they agreed with the congressman.

King has come under fire in recent days after The Washington Post reported that he met with a far-right party with historical Nazi ties in Austria while on a trip to Europe that had been financed by a Holocaust memorial group.

At the forum in Iowa on Thursday, King defended the Austrian political group, saying that the party had purged former Nazis more than 50 years ago, except one with “a little youthful affiliation.” The party is now led by Heinz-Christian Strache, who was active in neo-Nazi circles as a youth.

His past statements — King has assailed immigrants, retweeted a Nazi sympathizer, and said that “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” in what many interpreted as an echo of the language of white nationalists — have drawn more scrutiny since Saturday’s shooting.

Last month, King’s decision to endorse Faith Goldy, a white nationalist candidate for Toronto mayor who appeared on a neo-Nazi podcast around the Charlottesville rally and later publicly recited a white supremacist slogan, also drew uproar.

King blamed The Washington Post for the attention, saying at the forum on Thursday that “the entire fiasco that you’ve seen here in the state for the last three days” was based on the report last week about the Austria trip.

So, along with taking down Gab and making a general assault on freedom of speech, as well as trying to make it a hate crime to say the name of “George Soros,” Jews are also trying to destroy Steve King using this fed-nigger synagogue shooting.

But here’s the thing: none of this can be stopped.

It’s already happening.

The Jews have come out from behind their curtain as JEWS and everyone in the world can see them.

There is no level of shutting down that can stop this avalanche of goyim knowing.