California High School Bans Schoolgirl From Wearing Her MAGA Hat

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
February 24, 2019

In modern day America’s schools you can’t openly support modern day America’s president.

The Independent:

A California high school student who was banned from wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat on campus is challenging her school district for impinging on her First Amendment rights.

Maddie Mueller, who attends Clovis North High School in Fresno, is a member of Valley Patriots. The conservative activist group asked its affiliates to wear the well-known hat bearing Donald Trump’s campaign motto on Wednesday.

Ms Mueller said that officials at the school told her the school dress code prohibited it, according to CBS affiliate KGPE. Now Ms Mueller is fighting the district. 

“To my knowledge Trump is not a logo; it’s a last name. It’s just our president. You can’t claim the president is a logo, sports team or affiliated with any gang,” she told KGPE. “How does being a patriot in trying to show pride in your country – how is that inappropriate?

Maddie… you haven’t been paying much attention lately, have you? You can’t just not want to kill yourself and be white at the same time, because that’s racist. You should be feeling very bad about brown and black people suffering in brown and black people’s countries because they suffer as a consequence of you not suffering enough.

Do you understand, Maddie?

They’re kicking Trump supporters off of social media and even trying to kick them out of the Internet, they’re banning Trump supporters from showing their support for Trump in public institutions, stores are openly hostile to Trump supporters, and Trump supporters in the street are in danger of suffering physical violence or even being shot at.

The 2020 elections will be an even bigger challenge than 2016.

Clovis Unified School District chief communication Officer Kelly Avants told KPGE that the dress code is in place “for kids to feel safe at school and free of distractions so they can focus on learning”.

These are American schools. This Kelly Avants person is saying that students in American schools won’t feel safe if other students show their support for the President of America.

How does that make sense? Whether they see MAGA hats or not, Trump is still the president of the United States, so how could they feel safe in America at all?

Maybe they should just go back to whatever shithole their family comes from and let Americans celebrate America and her president.