Hmmm: Israel Now Agrees with Hungary That George Soros is a Diabolical Rat

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 10, 2017

So first the Jews accused Hungary of being evil anti-Semites for criticizing George Soros.

Now they’re like “actually tho, we agree with you.”



A day after Israel’s ambassador in Budapest called for local election billboards targeting George Soros to be removed – saying the campaign “sows hatred and fear” – Israel’s Foreign Ministry weighed in, agreeing with the substance of Hungary’s criticism.

Budapest has been plastered with election posters paid for by the ruling Fidesz party that depict the Hungarian-born billionaire grinning smugly, with the slogan “Let’s not let Soros have the last laugh.” Above is a caption that reads “99 percent reject illegal migration” – the main point of contention between the Hungarian government and Soros, who has criticized the country for refusing to accept a mass influx of asylum seekers.

On Saturday, Israel’s ambassador to Hungary, Yossi Amrani, asked the government to discontinue the billboard campaign due to the local Jewish community’s fears that the negative portrayal of Soros, who is Jewish, would stir up anti-Semitism.

“I call on those involved in the current billboard campaign and those responsible for it to reconsider the consequences. At the moment, beyond political criticism of a certain person, the campaign not only evokes sad memories, but also sows hatred and fear,” Amrani wrote in a statement, approved by the foreign ministry, Haaretz reported. “It’s our moral responsibility to raise a voice and call on the relevant authorities to exert their power and put an end to this cycle,” he added.

However, Israel released another statement on Sunday night that appeared to change the emphasis.

“Israel deplores any expression of anti-Semitism in any country and stands with Jewish communities everywhere in confronting this hatred. This was the sole purpose of the statement issued by Israel’s ambassador to Hungary,” it read.

“In no way was the statement meant to delegitimize criticism of George Soros, who continuously undermines Israel’s democratically elected governments by funding organizations that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself,” it continued.

According to Haaretz, the clarification was personally ordered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself.

The Israeli newspaper said Netanyahu, who, unusually, is also his country’s Foreign Minister, only learned of the ambassador’s statement from the media, and was displeased that it appeared to defend Soros, a long-term bête noire of the current Israeli government.

Netanyahu is due to travel to Hungary and meet with the Fidesz party leader and Prime Minister Viktor Orban on July 18, in the first Israeli state visit to the country in three decades.

Hungary has branded Soros as a “risk to national security,” saying the billionaire is funding globalist, liberal NGOs that aim to “settle a million migrants inside the country” and challenge the government’s anti-migrant and anti-Islam position.

Orban, who ironically is himself a former recipient of a Soros scholarship, has already threatened to shut down Soros-founded Central European University in Budapest.

Yeah, that’s either ironic or suspicious.

Take your pick.

This whole situation in Hungary is retarded.

Orban claims to be against migrants, and claims to be fighting the EU on the topic, yet he continues to push for further integration into the EU, which means that eventually, it won’t matter what the Hungarian government has to say about migrants, Brussels will just tell them how it is.

This is called “Federalization.” Read that Wikipedia page if you don’t yet get this.

He is there to make it look like he’s fighting for Hungarian sovereignty while making sure they aren’t going to have any sovereignty.

It’s a total hoax.

As far as Netanyahu switching it up – that is also a total hoax. He probably read my article about how Jews claiming that criticism of an individual Jew is criticism of all Jews just makes people hate the Jews even more.