#Hoaxgate: Israel Rejects Jeff Sessions’ Request to Extradite Fake Hate Crime Culprit!

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
April 24, 2017

We predicted this would happen: Israel has shot down Jeff Session’s request to extradite the Jew behind the “JCC Bomb Threat” hysteria!

This adds another layer of intrigue in our coverage (we are the only non-Israeli publication covering the breakthrough what was once the story of the century). This newest development comes after it was discovered that this supposedly heavily autistic teenage lone wolf with a brain tumor just so happened to have also been the kingpin of a multi-million dollar drug and document forgery enterprise. Truly a Renaissance Jew!

One mentally disabled teenager in Israel evaded multiple intelligence agencies and ran such a sophisticated criminal enterprise alone, according to Jews who always lie. His father – totally innocent, goyim – happens to be a veteran of the Israeli tech industry, which is more or less dedicated to R&D for the IDF and Mossad.

Naturally, the US government – who American Jewish groups shake down for taxpayer funds and browbeat incessantly through their mouthpieces in the media – has lots of questions for Mr. Michael Kaydar.

But Israel doesn’t want him to answer them.


Israel’s Justice Ministry reportedly denied a U.S. Justice Department request to extradite the Israeli-American teen charged with making threats against Jewish community centers throughout the United States.

The State Attorney’s Office in Israel told its American counterpart that although the 18-year-old computer hacker has is suspected of committing crimes in 10 countries, he will be tried in Israel, Israel’s Channel 2 first reported Sunday. The report added that the United States has not backed off its request and that Israel’s denial has not caused a rift in the relationship.

The teen from Ashkelon in southern Israel, who was arrested in Israel last month for making over 100 threats against Jewish sites in the United States, has been named in the United States. But he cannot be named in reports originating from Israel.

The Justice Department said Friday it was charging the teen with 28 counts of making threatening calls to JCCs in Florida, conveying false information to the police and cyberstalking.

“Today’s charges into these violent threats to Jewish community centers and others represent this department’s commitment to fighting all forms of violent crime,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement Friday.

This refusal to extradite says all you need to know. There is no motive for this kind of stubbornness other than the obvious one. The individual in question is an American citizen, committed most of his crimes in the United States and nothing in this case is grounds for rejecting extradition to the US.

This is a Mossad operation that had its cover blown by Trumplandia Feds sick of Jews lying about Trump. End of story.

Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice must be pressured to continue pursuing extradition of this little weasel, and investigate what other actors were involved.

The white people of America were collectively blamed for this “anti-Semitism” hoax. The Jews themselves are getting queasy and refusing to talk about this, because they know exactly what is going on here. If Judentum is allowed to sweep such a big lie like the “JCC Bomb Threats” that dominated our headlines for months under the rug, they will only offend again in a more brash and brazen fashion!