Holocaust Day, French Protestors Chant “Jews Out of France” and “Gas Chambers are Bullshit”

Daily Stormer
January 28, 2014

Angry protestors who filled the streets of Paris on Sunday to protest against French President Francois Hollande’s persecution of Comedian Dieudonne M’Bala M’Bala began shouting Antisemitic slogans and giving the Antisemitic Quenelle salute.

The protest fell on the eve of the 9th annual “Holocaust Remembrance Day,” and was reportedly attended by close to 20,000 people.

“Jews, France is not yours,” “Faurisson is right, the gas chambers are bullshit,” and “Jews, out of France” are among the chants heard in this recently surfaced video of the anti-Government (turned Antisemitic) demonstration.

It seems as if the Jews’ time may be running short in France.

From the Jewish online magazine Tablet:

Sadly, such an event is far from an isolated incident. As we’ve reported previously, the European Union’s own Agency for Fundamental Rights found that 40 percent of French Jews are afraid to publicly identify as Jewish, while 56 percent have heard someone say “the Jews have too much power” in the last 12 months. And of course, the country is the home of the increasingly prevalent reverse-Nazi salute, the Quenelle, which was popularized by the anti-Semitic French comedian Dieudonné, and became a global media sensation after it was performed by French soccer player Nicolas Anelka. (Yesterday’s demonstrators were also photographed by the press making the gesture.)

Which is why it should come as no surprise that this past week, the Washington Post reported on the growing French expatriate population in Israel. “As immigration to Israel has dipped over the past 10 years, France is the only country seeing a growing number of its Jewish citizens move there,” the Post notes, adding “there were 3,270 French arrivals last year, an increase of 63 percent from 2012.” As anti-Jewish prejudice in France grows, its Jewish population continues to shrink.