“Holocaust Survivors” Order Young Europeans to Vote Against “Far-Right”

Ruth Winkelman and Eva Umlauf. The one on the right ended up at Auschwitz at the age of two and somehow survived.

Jews are the richest and most powerful people on earth by a virtually unbelievable margin. However, we can’t let that distract us from the fact that they are also somehow the most oppressed people on earth.

In a shocking and confounding twist, the degree to which they are oppressed is equal to the degree of their overwhelming wealth and influence.

Because they are so oppressed, we must obey their every command. That means if they tell you to vote a certain way, you vote that way, or you’re no better than the Germans who turned them into dishwashing fluid during the Hall of Cost.

Deutsche Welle:

Eight Holocaust survivors have urged young people to shun far-right parties and vote to protect democracy at the upcoming European Union elections.

“For millions of you, the European elections are the first election in your lives. For many of us, it could be the last,” read the open letter, presented in Berlin on Tuesday.

“We couldn’t stop it back then. But you can today,” the eight authors wrote.

Pictures of the 8 holocaust survivors, from the time when they were being holocausted

The letter was published by rights group Avaaz and signed by eight men and women aged between 81 and 102 who witnessed the Holocaust first-hand.

Someone who’s 81-years-old today would’ve been around 2 when the war ended.

How do toddlers survive death camps run by people who want to exterminate their entire kind?

Why does no one ask how that’s possible?

“I know that there was a similar development back then as there is today: a weak democratic government and a party that rallied the people who were dissatisfied,” 99-year-old Walter Frankenstein said in a video statement.

“That’s why young people today cannot just say ‘Yes, I don’t know who to vote for, so I’d rather not go at all.’ That’s the worst thing you can do. Our democracy must be defended again and again.”

Ruth Winkelmann, who hid from the Nazis in a shed with her mother and sister after her father was deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp, said she signed the letter “because the AfD is becoming too strong.”

She told the AFP news agency that the far-right party has “quite a lot in common” with the Nazis in the 1930s.

“As a democrat, you should recognize everyone, whether green, white or black, it doesn’t matter. Whether you’re short or tall, you can live together and have respect for everyone,” she said.

What about the Palestinians?

I mean, I hate to even have to ask that question, because it almost feels unfair, but seriously, Jew: what about the Palestinians? 

I’m still waiting for this to pay off