How the Hell is Bruce Ohr Still Employed?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 30, 2018

Old people on television are endearing.

Slow Jeff Sessions waltzed into a den of criminal conspirators, said “hey guys, don’t let me bother you,” then laid down on the floor near the refrigerator and fell asleep.

Occasionally, a conspirator getting a glass of milk kicks him and tells him to stop snoring, to which he replies: “gee willikers mister!”

Fox News:

President Trump lashed out again Wednesday at Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, asking “how the hell” he is still employed after he testified on Capitol Hill about his relationship with former British spy Christopher Steele and his ties to the now infamous anti-Trump dossier.

“How the hell is Bruce Ohr still employed at the Justice Department?” Trump tweeted. “Disgraceful! Witch Hunt!”

Republicans allege that Ohr played a key role in selling the so-called Steele dossier, commissioned by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS and paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Ohr was grilled over his involvement behind closed doors on Tuesday by the House Oversight and Judiciary committees

Messages indicate Ohr continued to communicate with dossier author Steele after the FBI fired him as a source in late 2016 due to his contacts with the media.

“I don’t know if it’s improper but I want to know who at DOJ knew and it certainly looks like he continued to meet with Mr. Steele after the FBI had terminated their relationship with Mr. Steele,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox News ahead of the Tuesday meeting.

Jim Jordan is so good.


We might consider him as a running mate for Tucker in 2024.

Ohr’s wife Nellie worked at Fusion as a Russian specialist and did research that formed part of the dossier.

Ohr, who joined the Justice Department in 1991 and eventually was named the associate deputy attorney general before being demoted amid the investigation into his meetings with Steele, did not reply to questions shouted by reporters before his hearing on Tuesday.

At least seven Republican House members traveled to Washington over the August recess for the interview. No Democratic lawmakers appeared to attend, though staff were in the room.

This situation is absolutely insane.

They faked the dossier and knew it was fake when they submitted it to a FISA court. That is the core of the entire kookspiracy. They got a warrant to spy on Trump during the campaign to try and find something dirty on him they could use to thwart him, then when that failed and he won the election, they used the SAME FAKE DOCUMENT ABOUT HOOKERS PISSING ON A BED to start the Muller probe. The Comey memo, which led to the kike Rod Rosenstein appointing Mueller, was based entirely on this piss-oriented document.

Hillary Clinton is the one who paid these people – an organization run by former Wall Street Journalists – to create this fake document.

Rosenstein himself signed off on the request for the warrant.

Trump – cleverly and at last – is calling for the Supreme Court to investigate the FISA warrant itself.

The thing here is, if the FISA warrant is declared to have been awarded through fraud, the entire thing falls apart. The pissing hooker thing is the cornerstone.

Not only would the Mueller investigation have to be disbanded, but everyone who he’s convicted would have their convictions overturned and all of the information he’s gathered in the investigation would be ruled inadmissible by any court.

I have been saying from the beginning that the thing should be attacked at its root, and that is FBI getting a FISA warrant by defrauding a FISA court.