Hungary Sees Massive Anti-War Protest as Ukraine Situation Continues to Get Goofier by the Hour

That’s a lot of people.


Hundreds of thousands participated in a peace march in Hungary’s capital, Budapest on Saturday, denouncing the EU’s policy of escalating tensions with Russia. The event culminated with a speech by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who accused Brussels of bringing Europe closer to a global conflict. 

The demonstrators marched from the iconic Chain Bridge to Margaret Island on the Danube River.

Many carried flags, chanted pacifist slogans, and held signs reading “No war” and “Give us peace, Lord.”

“Never before have so many people lined up for peace. We are the biggest peace corps, the largest peacekeeping force in Europe,” the prime minister said, as quoted by Reuters. “Europe must be prevented from rushing into war, into its own destruction.”

Orban said his country must draw lessons from the devastation it went through the darkest times of the 20th century. “In the two world wars, the Hungarians lost 1.5 million lives, and with them – their future children and grandchildren,” he told the crowd.

“I’m saying this slowly so that Brussels would understand: we will not go to war. We will not go to the East for a third time, we will not go to the Russian front again.”

Hungary was always against the war. So maybe this doesn’t mean much.

But what would mean something is if Hungary started the process of exiting the EU to join the Russian bloc.

Along with supporting Russia, Hungary has deep ties to China.

What are they getting from the US/EU at this point?


I don’t know the numbers on the subsidies, but Hungary has always been a lot less interested than Romania or Poland in sending migrant workers to Western EU capitals.