If Only Men Voted

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2016

These numbers are based on polls from a few days ago.

If only men voted:


If only women voted:


I have been harassed and insulted for my role in introducing a hardline anti-feminist position into the White movement. For some reason, there was an entire generation of White nationalists which had adopted feminism. I have no idea why.

These charts obviously vindicate me. As if I needed more vindication.

Even with our present demographic disaster, if it were not for women’s suffrage, we would win by a massive landslide in November and save human civilization.

And no, if we lose, it won’t be “women’s fault.” They will be responsible, but it won’t be their “fault,” because they don’t possess agency. They are entirely emotional, and thus 100% manipulatable. The only states remaining red in the “women only” graph are states which still have strong families – that is, where women have fathers that have more influence on them than the Jews.

The concept of involving women in politics is absolutely insane. It always was insane. There is no conceivable justification for it. It is the very core of the Jew agenda to convince society that women are just defective men who just need to be given unlimited privileges until they succeed in becoming complete men.

Women should be at home.

They should be producing children, cooking and cleaning.

