If You OD on Meth and a Bear Eats You, That’s On You, Not the Bear

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2019

It’s sad this bear was blamed, even though he did nothing wrong other than make sure some meat didn’t go to waste.


It was a meth overdose that claimed the life of a man whose body was found in Great Smoky Mountains National Park in September, not the black bear that was eating him.

Park officials released a statement Monday saying William Lee Hill Jr. died of “accidental methamphetamine intoxication,” according to an autopsy from the Knox County Regional Forensic Center.

The 30-year-old was found in the park near Cades Cove, TN, on September 9.

“At the time of discovery, searchers encountered a bear feeding on Hill’s body,” the park statement said.

“Without knowing the definitive cause of death, the next day officials made the decision to euthanize the bear in the interest of public safety after consultation with wildlife professionals and further understanding of the bear’s aggressive behavior.”

Eating a dead body isn’t aggressive, mate. Bear did nothing wrong.

Family should sue.