IGN Features Random Monkey as Top Pick to Play Geralt of Rivia in Netflix “The Witcher” Series

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2018

A feel which hasn’t been felt since the Bloody Baron quest.

IGN has released a list of 15 actors who they want to see play Geralt of Rivia in the new Netflix series “The Witcher.” The first actor they pick is some dindu which was on “The Wire.”

They also picked either a Jap or a happa and another dindu.


The Witcher’s Geralt of Rivia is one of the most iconic characters in all of games, so whoever is chosen to carry the mantle of the legendary White Wolf in the upcoming Netflix series will have plenty of expectations to live up to. Thankfully, Netflix has a proven track record when it comes to investing in big-budget productions like Daredevil and Altered Carbon, which is a good sign for fans of The Witcher, since the series will undoubtedly need a large budget to achieve the same scope that the novels and video games have already established.

In anticipation of Netflix’s journey into the expansive world that author Andrzej Sapkowski created, we’ve compiled a diverse list of 15 actors we think capable of portraying Geralt. The White Wolf may have Polish roots, but we still don’t know what direction the story will follow, so we wanted our dream casting call to include more than one ethnic group. There’s also still no word on when in Geralt’s life the series will take place, so we made sure to consider some younger actors who could rise to the challenge if called upon.

These kikes are trying to remove any trace of White heroes in the eyes of the normies. Not only will they butcher a great game series by letting these Hollywood perverts touch it, but they are more than likely going to make the White Wolf some kind of monkey.

Worse, the games are based on Polish folklore and history. If they really need to make another terrible TV adaption of a good game (they really don’t) the actor should be Polish or at least Slavic.

These Jews need to leave my vidya alone already. The Jew-boxes were bad enough, now the normies are going to think of this ape’s ugly mug anytime someone mentions The Witcher.