In First Ever, Trump to Declare Iran’s Military a Terrorist Group

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2019

It is incredible that while Trump flails around on literally every other issue, he is able to zoom in with razor sharpness on everything that Israel and the Jew Internationale wants.

Just the contrast of not being able to do anything at all for the American people while being a machine of pro-Israel policy is staggering.

This comes just before the Israeli election, which is scheduled to take place on April 9th.

Bibi is having some problems, and this is clearly designed by a certain Trump advisor to give him a boost.


The United States is expected to designate Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards Corps a foreign terrorist organization, three U.S. officials told Reuters, marking the first time Washington has labeled another country’s military a terrorist group.

The decision, which critics warn could open U.S. military and intelligence officials to similar actions by unfriendly governments abroad, is expected to be announced by the U.S. State Department, perhaps as early as Monday, the officials said. It has been rumored for years.

It had been rumored by the Jews pushing for it to be made into reality.

AIPAC has been demanding this forever but even Bush II was like “lol but you can’t declare a country’s military a terrorist group.”

The Pentagon declined comment and referred queries to the State Department. The State Department and White House also declined to comment.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a strident Iran hawk, has advocated for the change in U.S. policy as part of the Trump administration’s tough posture toward Tehran.

The announcement would come ahead of the first anniversary of President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran and to reimpose sanctions that had crippled Iran’s economy.

The United States has already blacklisted dozens of entities and people for affiliations with the IRGC, but the organization as a whole is not.

In 2007, the U.S. Treasury designated the IRGC’s Quds Force, its unit in charge of operations abroad, “for its support of terrorism,” and has described it as Iran’s “primary arm for executing its policy of supporting terrorist and insurgent groups.”

Iran has warned of a “crushing” response should the United States go ahead with the designation.

I generally am supportive of Iran, but I wish they would stop making these stupid threats that they’re going to destroy America somehow. Because I do not think that is going to happen, and it really makes them look ridiculous, and actually reinforces the lie that they’re funding terrorism.

Even though no one can point to a single terrorist group they fund. And lunatic television personalities and GOP Congressrats will come out and claim they fund ISIS and other Sunni terrorist groups that they actually fight against.

I think it is quite possible that Jared Kushner is setting Trump up to lose in 2020 on purpose. And that he’s just going to force through all of this Israel agenda stuff before handing things over to a Democrat who will carry out the Jewish domestic agenda more efficiently.