Indian Cricketer Fined for Urinating on Two Bouncers After Being Kicked Out of British Nightclub

Stuart Woledge
Daily Mail
August 7, 2013

  • The spin bowler urinated over nightclub bouncers after being ejected
  • He sought sanctuary in a pizza parlour, but the bouncers caught him
  • Sussex County Cricket Club is now investigating the England star

article-2385910-01529A03000004B0-889_306x481England cricketer Monty Panesar has been fined by police for urinating on bouncers after being asked to leave a seaside nightclub.

He was shown the door at Shooshh club in Brighton, East Sussex, after some women clubbers complained of being hassled.

The 31-year-old Ashes squad left-arm spin bowler urinated from the promenade above the venue on to doormen standing below.

Witnesses said he ran to a pizza shop shouting ‘Help! Help!’ before the bouncers caught up with him and took him back to the club where police were called, according to the Sun.

He was issued with a fixed penalty notice by police for being drunk and disorderly.

A Sussex Police spokesman said: ‘A 31-year-old man received a fixed penalty notice for being drunk and disorderly after being seen urinating in public near the Shooshh Club in King’s Road Arches, Brighton, around 4.13am on Monday (August 5).’

Panesar, who plays for Sussex, was part of the 14-man England squad that retained the Ashes at Old Trafford, Manchester, on Monday but he did not play.

Sussex County Cricket Club said in a statement: ‘Sussex County Cricket Club can confirm that an incident took place involving Monty Panesar in the early hours of Monday August 5.

‘The matter is under full investigation and the club will make no further comment at this stage.’

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