Invaders Attack Aussie Film Crew in Sweden

The New Observer
March 5, 2016

In an incident which the victims described as being “worse than Somalia,” a large group of violent African invaders attacked a 60 Minutes Australia TV crew making a documentary on the nonwhite invasion of Sweden.

According to Sweden’s Avpixlat news service, the attack took place on Monday this week when an Australian film crew from 60 Minutes went to the nonwhite invader-dominated Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby.



Their plan was to “depict the mass immigration to Sweden,” the Avpixlat service said, and they “wanted some local color” and to interview residents.

When one cameraman got out of their car, another vehicle pulled up next to them. The African driver of the second car then argued and threatened the cameraman, before driving over his foot and leaving him lying on the ground. The incident was captured by the team’s second cameraman.

The injured cameraman then hobbled to his feet, and the police arrived some ten minutes later. Six officers were assigned to protect the crew, which included three photographers, TV host Liz Hayes, and Avpixlats’s Jan Sjunnesson.

After a while, the Australian team decided to go to Rinkeby Torg. The police however asked that they be allowed to stay in the background, because, they said, “We will provoke them if we follow you, so go in and we will watch you.”

The film crew then conducted several interviews with local residents, who all told them that they liked living there. However, as soon as the police moved off, the Australian crew was surrounding by a large group of masked and highly aggressive Africans.

With the police presence no longer acting as a restraint, the Africans now objected to the film crew even being in the area. Two of the photographers were severely beaten, with one losing a tooth and another left bleeding from the mouth.

The film crew quickly fled Rinkeby, but captured a significant amount of coverage of the attack and its aftereffects, Avpixlat reported.

The Australians told their Swedish host, Jan Sjunnesson, that “they had been in Somalia, Syria, and Iraq, but an attack like the one which just took place, had never happened to them anywhere else.”

The 60 Minutes Australia documentary will be broadcast within the next few weeks, along with interviews with Sjunnesson and a review of Islamist hate propaganda on the Internet, the Avpixlat report added.

* Avpixlat added an update to its report, saying that the Australian and British media had now reported on the attack, but that the Swedish media had imposed a blackout on the event. “There are two reasons for this silence,” Avpixlat said. “They do not want [Swedish people] to see the reality of the multicultural wreckage, and, not least of all, they do not want [the Swedish people] to visit the Avpixlat website which was the first news source to report the event.”

* Rinkeby has been the scene of repeated nonwhite riots, most recently in 2010 and 2013, always as a result of clashes with the local police. According to official records, 89.1 percent of Rinkeby’s population has “first or second-generation immigrant background.”