Iran Again Rules Out Talks with US on Their 40th Anniversary

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2019

I think it’s probably unfortunate that Iran is not going to come to talks.

But maybe it isn’t?

It isn’t like talks would do anything. Not with the current Jewish climate surrounding the Trump administration.


Iran’s supreme leader has again ruled out negotiations with Washington, a day before the 40th anniversary of the hostage crisis at the United States embassy in Tehran.

“Those who see negotiations with the US as the solution to every problem are certainly mistaken,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday during a speech to mark the anniversary, according to his official website.

“Nothing will come out of talking to the US, because they certainly and definitely won’t make any concessions.”

On November 4, 1979, less than nine months after the toppling of Iran’s American-backed shah, Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi, students overran the embassy complex to demand the US hand over the overthrown ruler after he was admitted to an American hospital.

It took 444 days for the crisis to end with the release of 52 Americans, but the US broke off diplomatic relations with Iran in 1980 and ties have been frozen ever since.

Khamenei, however, said the Iran-US “disputes” did not start with the embassy takeover.

“It goes back to the 1953 coup, when the US overthrew a national govt, which had made the mistake of trusting the US – and established its corrupt and puppet government in Iran,” his Twitter account said in English.

That CIA-organised coup, supported by Britain, toppled the hugely popular prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, who was responsible for nationalising Iran’s oil industry.

The coup re-established the rule of country’s last Shah Pahlavi who had fled the country in August 1953 after trying to dismiss Mossadegh.

Khamenei pointed to North Korea’s negotiations with the US as a sign of Washington’s untrustworthiness, tweeting, “they took photos and praised each other, but the Americans did not lift sanctions even a bit”.

“That’s how they are in negotiations; they’ll say we brought you to your knees and won’t make any concessions at the end.”

Please remember: the reason the climate around the Trump administration is so Jewish is due to Jewish lobbying groups, as much as it is due to Jared Kushner and Trump’s other personal connections.

Right now, Turning Point USA – our good friends – are the nexus of lobbying and donation money. These people are able to present their agenda to Trump, and say “this is what our big donors AND millions of young people who support our group want – more immigration and war for the Jews.”

Right now, we’re dealing with this. 

Imagine this. 

When we get to the point where we are controlling the campuses, we will be that much closer to being able to directly influence policy. All of these Jews with their money will be forced to try to shout us down, and we, in an organized fashion, will tell the president that we do not want these wars for Israel, nor do we want to let Israel destroy our relationships with countries like Iran that should be allies.

Every minute we are not moving toward our goals the Jews are moving toward theirs, so we are losing ground.