Iran Releases Video of Crew of Captured Boat! Everyone Looking Fine!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 22, 2019

Iran released footage of the crew of the British ship they kidnapped as revenge for the British kidnapping one of their ships.

This is funny.

The Iranians obviously told them they wanted to film them doing their job normally, so the Russians are writing on a pad and the Indians are chopping vegetables.

No problems here – unlike when the US captures a boat, at which point this happens:

The Iranians are nice people and Orange Man should stop being mean to them.

But in actual fact, Fat Man – Orange Man’s evil henchman – is saying that the captured boat is in fact Britain’s problem.

Fox News:

The responsibility to free the British-flagged oil tanker seized last week by Iran “falls to the United Kingdom,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told “Fox & Friends” Monday, while warning the “whole world is waking up to the fact that this [Iranian] threat is real.”

The comments from Pompeo come as British Prime Minister Theresa May issued a fresh call for Iran to release the Stena Impero ship and its 23-person crew. The vessel, which was captured Friday in the Strait of Hormuz, currently is anchored outside the Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas.

“The responsibility…falls to the United Kingdom to take care of their ships,” Pompeo said when asked what role the U.S should play in the matter. “This is a bad regime. It’s not honoring the people of Iran. They have now conducted what amounts to national piracy – a nation-state taking over a ship that’s traveling in international waters.”

Pompeo said the “the United States has a responsibility to do our part, but the world’s got a big role in this too – to keep these sea lanes open.”

He added that Iran’s recent behavior should alarm nations around the globe.

“We don’t want war with Iran. We want them to behave like a normal nation. I think they understand that and I think the whole world is waking up to the fact that this threat is real,” Pompeo told “Fox & Friends.” “It’s not just a threat against America, it’s not just a threat against Israel. It’s a threat against all of us.”

So clearly, Fat Man was attempting to ratchet up the war hysteria. But Orange Man told Fat Man that America is not going to intervene on the behalf of Wrinkle Face to save a British boat.

Wrinkle Face is plotting revenge on Iran for taking revenge on her.

But the only reason the tanker was captured is that Britain had captured an Iranian tanker, without provocation.

Maybe the British should just stop fucking with them? Maybe everyone should just leave everyone else alone, and just be chilled out?

But it can never be so. Because always, there is one group of people who will never leave anyone else alone.

They’re the people that feed off the labor of others.

They’re the people that can never form a society of their own, because their bodies are not fit for real work.

Thus they have always integrated into the societies of others, manipulating them in order to feed their unnatural needs as people.

The only way to rid yourself of these people is to have zero tolerance. Because if they can, they will use you for their own diabolical purposes.

That’s right, friends.

Fat people will never stop it with their shenanigans.

As long as we allow them to, they will keep using fit people to acquire the food they need to feed their gargantuan and bulbous balloons of lard which they store all over their body, including on their necks.