Ireland Allegedly Experienced the Fastest Population Growth Ever in 2023 (While Also Having Lowest Birthrate on Record)

You can tell by the tent camps popping up in Dublin that Ireland is finally becoming a real democracy

In 2023, Ireland had a TFR of just 1.5, the lowest since records began.

In the same year, the population had the biggest increase since records began.

Irish Times:

What is the population of the Republic of Ireland? The question is more than of just statistical interest, given the prominence recently of the issues of immigration and housing.

According to the European Commission, the population of the State increased by 3.5 per cent last year – the largest increase on record.

The AMECO (annual macroeconomic database of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs) estimates that the Irish population reached 5,348,700 at the end of 2023, compared to 5,165,000 at the end of 2022. That is a rise of 183,000 in a single year.

The EC does not comment on why a population increases, but the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has estimated that more than 100,000 Ukrainian refugees arrived in Ireland between February 2022 and the end of last year.

If confirmed, it would surpass the previous record of a 2.95 per cent increase in the population between 2006 and 2007 when the Celtic Tiger was still roaring.

The “Asian” population more than doubled in just a decade, and I’m quite sure they’re not waifus from Japan

According to economist David Higgins, a 3.5 per cent increase in population in a given year would be one of the highest ever recorded for a single country.

“Ireland isn’t just registering its highest ever population growth, or the highest growth of any European country in 2023, we are setting records for some of the largest population growth events in history,” he said. “Our 3.5 per cent in on a par with Malta in 2018, which also saw large asylum arrivals.”

The EC figures are also at odds with those produced by Eurostat, the statistical arm of the European Union, which estimates that the population rose by even more – up by 4.2 per cent in 2023 from 5,060,000 at the start of the year to 5,271,400 by the end of the year, an increase of 211,000.

The Irish are being buried alive.

The government says they have to do this because… Americans let them emigrate?

That doesn’t even make sense.

Maybe the tide is turning?