Ireland: Government Appoints “Irish-Nigerian” Woman as Racism Czar

The black bitch on the right is Ebun Joseph

What is going on in Ireland?

I may never have been there, but this is the homeland of my people.

I won’t tolerate this.


The Government has announced Dr Ebun Joseph as Special Rapporteur for the National Plan Against Racism (NAPAR) which was published over a year ago.

Dr Joseph is a Nigerian-Irish lecturer, who founded the first Black Studies University module in Ireland.

She will chair an Advisory Group on Racism and Racial Equality, which will facilitate evidence-based implementation of the action plan.

The National Plan Against Racism aims to make Ireland a place in which the impacts of racism are fully acknowledged and actively addressed.

The advisory group will assist in the ongoing implementation of the plan.

In her role as Special Rapporteur, Dr Joseph will monitor progress towards the objectives of the NAPAR.

The Special Rapporteur may also consider matters pertaining to racial equality more broadly, and will have the authority to request information and data from public bodies to support them in carrying out the role.

Dr Joseph will make an annual report to the Minister for Integration, and this report will also be submitted to the relevant Oireachtas Committee.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Irish Network Against Racism (INAR), Shane O’Curry, has said that migrants in Ireland are reporting not feeling safe across the board in all areas of life.

This is a (possibly incomplete) list of the NGOs that make up the Irish Network Against Racism

Mr O’Curry, who is also a member of the Advisory Group on Racism and Racial Equality, said that since 2023 and the surge in far right protests, the mainstreaming of the far right discourse has almost unleashed a form of permission to behave in appalling ways towards individuals.

Ireland is the country least likely to continue tolerating this.

As much shit as I talk, Poland is number two, in my view.

They’re already buying Hiluxi in Ireland, by the way.

It’s the only solution.

Hiluxi and Conor MacGregor declaring himself King of Ireland.

That’s how it has to go.

They’re building a utopia over in Dublin

Snake Baker contributed to this article.