Ireland: London Bridge Terrorists had a Plot to Attack Family Friendly Area in Dublin

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2017

 Youssef Zaghba, Rachid Redouane, Khuram Shazad Butt.

It’s not all Moslems, guys.

Although yeah, it can technically be any single one of the millions in our nations.

And there is absolutely no way to know which is which.

The Independent:

A young girl leaves a message of support on the base of the obelisk on London Bridge following the terror attack in which eight people died.

However, the Sunday Independent can reveal for the first time today that it could have been Dublin, not London, that was hit by an Islamic terror attack.

Khuram Shazad Butt and Rachid Redouane, who together with a third accomplice, were shot dead by police during the London Bridge attack carried out reconnaissance two years ago on a number of high-profile locations in Dublin that they had identified as potential targets.

Butt (27) and 31-year-old Redouane, who was married to an Irish woman and lived in Dublin for a number of years, actively discussed carrying out at an attack in the capital according to reliable sources, including an Irish woman who became radicalised after converting to Islam.

At that time the two jihadists were under the strong influence of a 33-year-old Pakistani-born UK citizen named ‘Raza’ who operated an internet fraud scheme targeting Irish companies from an address in Santry, north Dublin.

The scam was designed to raise hard cash to fund logistical support for jihadists in the form of transport and false documentation including passports through a network of Irish-based Isis sympathisers.

The shadowy figure is suspected of radicalising young Muslims for Isis and orchestrating similar internet rackets – known as invoice redirection fraud – in the UK.

She said the Islamists “laugh” at Ireland because they see the country as being “backward and behind the times” in the authorities’ assessment of the threat of radical Islam.

It is believed that the two jihadists were convinced to change their plans because Raza believed that Ireland would suit Isis’s cause better as a logistics base and somewhere to carry out internet frauds to raise funds.

It is understood that her information has been assessed by counter-terrorism experts as highly credible.

It is believed she has been offered a place in a witness protection programme outside the State but this could not be confirmed yesterday.

The Sunday Independent has learned that ‘Sister Aalyia’ was interviewed by detectives from the Economic Fraud Bureau shortly after they moved in on the €2.8m fraud plot last September.

But at that stage the woman was too terrified to divulge what she knew.

It was only when she came forward and the CTI became involved that the true extent of her knowledge became known.
At the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court in July a Pakistani national, Atif Saeed (28), pleaded guilty to offences under the Criminal Justice Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act in connection with the Raza internet fraud racket.

Consider this, however:

What about that one nice Moslem that sells kebabs on the street corner?

Do you want them to have to suffer by living in their own countries just because their cousins and brothers and sons blow shit up and run people over with trucks?

Is that truly fair?