Ireland, Spain, Norway to Formally Recognize Palestinian State

The US is ultimately going to lose everything as a result of their support for this Gaza genocide.

It’s not a huge leap from “Palestinians should have a state” to “actually, Russia and China are the good guys.”

Washington Examiner:

The governments of Norway, Ireland, and Spain announced on Wednesday their intentions to recognize Palestine as an independent state. The three countries said the formal declaration would resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Ireland Prime Minister Simon Harris called implementing and formally recognizing the two-state solution a “historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine,” the Associated Press reported.

Harris stated that he hoped the official recognition of a Palestinian state would provide “hope and encouragement to the people of Palestine at one of their darkest hours.”

Norway was the first country to announce the decision, with Ireland and Spain following the Scandinavian country’s lead.

Israel’s Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, ordered the country’s ambassadors from Norway and Ireland to return to Israel immediately in response to the decision.

“I am sending an unequivocal message to Ireland and Norway — Israel will not let this go quietly,” Katz said.

Israel Katz

He said he would do the same with Israel’s ambassadors in Spain if the country followed through with its stated intentions to recognize Palestine, the Times of Israel reported.

“Ireland and Norway intend to send a message to the Palestinians and the entire world — terror pays,” Katz said. “The twisted step by these states is an affront to the victims of October 7. It also harms efforts to bring back the 128 hostages.”

“The Irish-Norwegian parade of stupidity does not deter us,” Katz said. “We are determined to achieve our goals: returning security to our citizens, toppling Hamas, and bringing back the hostages.”

Oh, so the Irish are stupid, kike?

The Irish ran out of potatoes once, which is a lot worse than having your shoes put in a pile, quite frankly.

If there was any justice, the Irish would be getting billions in US aid money and using it to bomb Israel.

Nothing’s gonna change until the Jews lose their American golem