Is the Heroic Asperger’s Teenage Leader of the “Global Warmers” Threatening Terrorism Now?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2020

With BILLIONAIRES and CAPITALISTS producing all of this pollution that is DESTROYING THE PLANET, the leader of the global anti-weather movement, Asperger syndrome 17-year-old breastless bug-eating vegan Greta Thunberg, is vowing to kick things up a notch in what sounds like a threat of terrorism.


Swedish activist Greta Thunberg marched with 10,000 protesters in the Swiss city of Lausanne on Friday and said “you have not seen anything yet” before some head to Davos next week to challenge the global financial elite to fight climate change.

The 17-year-old, who launched the #FridaysforFuture movement that has sparked worldwide protests, denounced a lack of government action to cut heat-trapping emissions before it is too late.

“So, we are now in a new year and we have entered a new decade and so far, during this decade, we have seen no sign whatsoever that real climate action is coming and that has to change,” Thunberg said in a speech in Lausanne.

To the world leaders and those in power, I would like to say that you have not seen anything yet. You have not seen the last of us, we can assure you that. And that is the message that we will bring to the World Economic Forum in Davos next week.

Protesters held signs including “Wake up and Smell the Bushfires” and “It is late but it is not too late”.

Hundreds will take trains over the weekend and then march to Klosters near Davos, the annual gathering of world political and business leaders that Thunberg is attending for the second year in a row and will take part in two panel events.

Climate change and environmental destruction top the risks highlighted by global decision-makers in a survey ahead of the 2020 gathering of the global elite.

This year’s meeting of 3,000 includes U.S. President Donald Trump who once described climate change as a “hoax” and whose administration in November filed paperwork to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, the first formal step in a one-year process to exit the pact to fight climate change.

“You have not seen anything yet” is incredibly ominous language from the person who put on this performance.

I saw that and it was definitely “anything.”

Unironically, I believe that the future of the global warming movement is terrorism. It’s very obvious when you look at the language of Extinction Rebellion.

And when you look at their actions thus far.

If we examine Greta Thunberg in terms of what she represents in our culture, it is clear that she is an icon of fuming hatred.

All she does is whine, insult people, and make super mean faces.

As much as they throw around the term “hate” when referring to me, I have never made any faces like that in my life, and I have never gone into a hate rage.

I’m the sort of person who is usually smiling and likes to think positively.

Greta Thunberg is hate, anger, rage, pessimism, pestilence and general negativity embodied in physical form.

This is to say that her persona and energy lines up very much with a terrorist movement.

I doubt that she will ever start calling directly for terrorism, but when you hear her talk about “you haven’t seen anything yet,” I think she – or rather, those who write her scripts – are signaling in support of that kind of thing.

It’s all intensely bizarre.

But it makes sense if you look at it plainly as a social engineering program, intent on creating a social outcome, rather than a political movement of any kind.