Israel Approves Largest West Bank Land Grab in More Than 3 Decades, Watchdog Says

There’s been a lot of talk about Trump making a deal with the Adelson widow to officially legalize the total annexation of the West Bank in exchange for the $100,000,000 she gave him.

The thing is: Israel is already doing a full annexation of the West Bank under Joe Biden, and no one is doing anything to stop them.

Once they completely cleanse the area, it doesn’t really matter if the US recognizes it or not. The US won’t sanction them over it (at least not in any significant way).

So what difference does it make?

The Guardian:

Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank in more than three decades, according to a report released by an Israeli anti-settlement watchdog, a move that will exacerbate the escalating tensions surrounding the conflict in Gaza.

Peace Now said authorities recently approved the appropriation of 12.7 sq km (nearly 5 sq miles) of land in the Jordan valley, indicating it was “the largest single appropriation approved since the 1993 Oslo accords”, referring to the start of the peace process.

Settlement monitors say the recent land acquisition links Israeli settlements along a crucial corridor adjacent to Jordan, a development they say threatens the formation of a future Palestinian state.

Israel occupied the West Bank, capturing it from Jordan, in the six-day war of 1967. Since then, successive governments have made efforts to permanently cement Israeli control over the land, in part by declaring large swathes as “state lands”, which prevents private Palestinian ownership.

The recent land seizure, which was approved late last month but only publicised on Wednesday, comes after the seizure of 8 sq km of land in the West Bank in March and 2.6 sq km in February.

Peace Now says the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, “are determined to fight against the entire world and against the interests of the people of Israel for the benefit of a handful of settlers”.

UN spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric called it “a step in the wrong direction,” adding that “the direction we want to be heading is to find a negotiated two-state solution”.

The Gaza situation has taken eyes off of the West Bank, and the Jews have been going wild.

This was all part of the plan.

They are moving to do all of these things they wanted to do: they’re taking the land and they’re starting the wars to try to destroy their remaining enemies.

It’s probably not going to work out for them. But their plan is very obvious.

And if you listen to Bibi talk, he basically just admits the whole thing. He won’t admit he let October 7th happen on purpose, but he admits everything else.