Israel: Benedictine Monks Spat on and Abused by Christ-Hating Jews

Islam Versus Europe
December 1, 2013

The Benedictine Monastery in Abu Gosh.

Spitting, punctured tyres, blasphemous graffiti: the Benedictine monks of the abbey of Dormition, in Jerusalem, have been the target of incessant harassment for several months. At the beginning of October, the tension mounted a notch when about 15 graves were vandalised in a Protestant cemetery next to the monastery. “We are no longer in a simple dispute among neighbours,” worried Brother Nikodemus, spokesman for the community, “and no one knows how it’s going to end.”

The twelve monks and around twenty students who chose to live at the summit of Mount Zion, two steps from the Old City, attribute their torments to young extremist Jews who gravitate around the neighbouring Talmudic school. To hear these religious figures, some students of the Yeshiva Diaspora have little tolerance for the promixity of the monastery to this site, to which both religions attach great importance. “Once the night has fallen, we can’t go out any more without being spat on or a drunken youth telling us to go back to our own country,” recalls Father Nikodemus.

The Israeli police, informed about the most serious incidents, proceeded to make some arrests. At the start of October, two pupils of the Yeshiva Diaspora as well as two young colonists recently expelled from the West Bank because of their violent behaviour were arrested durng the investigation into the profanation of the Lutheran cemetery. According to the monks, however, the suspects were immediately released and the authorities are making only very limited efforts to crack down on these goings-on.

According to locals, it’s the atmosphere of the district as a whole that has progressively worsened in the course of recent months. At the end of May, unknown persons punctured the tyres of several cars parked in front of the abbey and wrote graffiti on the walls saying “Jesus is an ape”.

…”It’s a misunderstanding,” protests Rabbi Avraham Goldstein, director of the institution. Since the foundation of the Yeshiva Diaspora, in 1966, we have dedicated ourselves to delivering a message of peace and harmony between religions. I can’t imagine for an instance that our students would have been capable of such violence.”

Source: Le Figaro

Sound familiar?

I confidently predict you won’t be reading about this incident in Raymond Ibrahim’s regular round-up of the persecution of Christians in the Middle East. JihadWatch won’t feature it, nor will Atlas Shrugs, nor FrontPageMag, nor any of the other so-called Counterjihad websites. Yet if exactly the same harassment had taken place with Muslim perpetrators, they would have leapt upon it with glee.

There is only one site that dares to tell the truth. All of the truth.