Israel Giving “Booster” VAXX to Very Sick People, But Half of Patients in Severe Condition are VAXXED!

Pictured: old gay Jew getting the “booster” injection.

The most incredible thing about the whole vaxx agenda is that the Jews are vaxxing the heck out of themselves.

If it was a placebo, as has been suggested, I don’t understand how they would be reporting all these side effects. Unless of course they’re fake side effects reported falsely by Israel’s national health care service (that American taxpayers pay for) – that’s possible.

But then why would they be slandering their own vaxx?

The Guardian:

Israel said on Sunday that it would begin to offer a booster shot of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine to adults with weak immune systems, but that it was still weighing up whether they should be given to the general public.

The rapid spread of the Delta variant has fuelled a rise in the number of new infections from single digits a month ago to around 450 a day, and the country has moved to fast-track its next Pfizer shipment.

The health minister, Nitzan Horowitz, said that adults with impaired immune systems who had received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine could get an immediate booster shot, with a decision pending on wider distribution.

Pfizer and its partner, BioNTech, the main suppliers in a swift Israeli vaccination rollout that began in December, said on Thursday they will ask US and European regulators within weeks to authorise booster shots.

The two companies cited an increased risk of infection after six months in seeking permission for a third shot. Drawing criticism from some scientists and officials, the companies did not share the data showing that risk, but said it would soon be made public.

“We are examining this issue and we still do not have a final answer,” Horowitz said about a booster for the general population in Israel.

“In any case we are administering as of now a third shot to people suffering from immunodeficiency. These are for instance people who have undergone organ transplants or suffer from a medical condition which causes a drop in immunity.”

About half of the 46 patients currently in a severe condition in Israeli hospitals have been vaccinated, according to health ministry data. Israel’s coronavirus pandemic response coordinator, Nachman Ash, said on Wednesday that the overwhelming majority of them were from high-risk groups, over the age of 60 and had prior health problems.

It is impossible to believe how anyone can honestly follow along with this narrative.

There’s a virus that is super deadly even though there is no evidence, so everyone has to get a vaccine that doesn’t work and which there is massive loads of evidence is more deadly than any supposed virus.

What they’re saying is not coherent.

If the vaxx doesn’t even work, why does everyone have to take it?