Israel Launched Christmas Day Attack on Syria in Attempt to Restart the War

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 26, 2018

The Jews tend to need to do something bloody on Christmas, just as a general reminder to the goyim.

This attack was a specific reminder to the goyim that they will never let the war in Syria end – despite the announcement of King Goy Donald J. Trump’s peacenik-flowerchild plan to exit the war.


Russia has accused Israel of violating Syria’s sovereignty and threatening two civilian flights after Israeli warplanes launched air raids in Damascus on Tuesday.

“We are very concerned by the attacks and how they were made. This is a gross violation of the sovereignty of Syria,” the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Wednesday.

Syrian state media said the country’s air defences intercepted Israeli missiles near Damascus, while Israel said it was protecting itself from anti-aircraft fire.


“An [Israeli military] aerial defence system activated in response to an anti-aircraft missile launched from Syria,” the Israeli army’s official Twitter account later said.

Moscow also said the Israeli attacks endangered two passenger planes.

“The provocative actions of the Israeli air force … directly threatened two airliners,” Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.

He said the attack from over the Lebanese territory came as “two airliners, not from Russia, were preparing to land at the airports of Beirut and Damascus”.

He said restrictions were imposed on the use of Syrian government forces’ air defence systems “to prevent a tragedy”. One of the planes was redirected to a Russian airbase within Syria.

The Russian defence ministry said three Syrian soldiers were injured in an attack that saw Israeli warplanes drop 16 bombs.

In September, a Russian Il-20 military plane was struck in a similar attack, killing 15 servicemen on board.

That day, several Israeli F-16s entered the Syrian airspace hoping to bomb its military targets in the northwestern Latakia province.

Russian officials said that when Syria’s S-200 air-defence system responded to the breach, an Israeli F-16 hid behind the Russian plane which was hit by a Syrian missile.

Shortly afterwards, Moscow, blaming Israel for the incident, announced its decision to provide Syria with the more advanced S-300 defence system.

This situation could not be more clear-cut.

Israel does not want to allow President Trump to pull the American forces, so they are attempting to escalate tensions to use as propaganda.

This gives the Jewish American news media the ability to more strongly force the claim that a Russian conspiracy is to blame for Trump pulling the troops from Syria.

“Oy vey Donald, why is it you don’t want to protect our greatest ally? Is it because of the piss tape that James Comey told us about?”

They could also very easily stage an attack on American forces and blame Russians as part of an escalated situation.

This war is extremely important to Jews, something which you can obviously note by the bipartisan way in which the media and government officials are attacking Trump for pulling out. All Jewish agendas are pushed by one party, very few are pushed by both – when you see something pushed by both, you know it is of grave concern to the Jews.