Israel, Yes! Ahead of April 9th Election, Bibi is Behind in the Polls!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2019

The Jew election is in three days.

And Bibi is lagging.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has fallen behind his main challenger in opinion polls ahead of next week’s Israeli election but still has an easier path to form a government that would keep him in power for a record fifth term.

Netanyahu, who has dominated Israeli politics for a generation, is fighting for his political survival against former top general Benny Gantz, a political novice.

The outcome is unlikely to be decided on election day, when voters cast ballots for party lists. No party has ever won an outright majority in the 120-seat parliament, meaning days or even weeks of coalition negotiations will lie ahead.

And looming criminal indictments against Netanyahu, who has denied any wrongdoing in three cases of alleged bribery and fraud, could cloud his political future and that of any government he might head, possibly leading to a new election.

On Friday, the last day polling is allowed, Gantz’s centrist Blue and White party was projected to take 30 seats, more than the 26 forecast for Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud, according to a poll in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

But the poll also projected a combined total of 63 seats for the parties in Netanyahu’s right-wing bloc, a slim but workable majority. Other polls showed similar results. The coalition arithmetic for Gantz appears far more difficult.

Israel’s president, Reuven Rivlin, will consult with the leaders of every party represented in parliament and choose whoever he believes has the best chance of forming a coalition. The nominee has up to 42 days to form a government before the president asks another politician to try.

In the final stretch of the campaign, Netanyahu cautioned his right-wing supporters against over-confidence: “It’s a close race between right and left,” he told Israel Radio on Thursday.

Gantz appeared invigorated by the polling numbers on Friday, telling his backers they were “a few meters away from victory”.

“On Tuesday, everything you see here in this country will shift,” Gantz told a rally in Kiryat Ekron.

Bibi is the president of radical religious Jews who want to take over the entire Middle East and radical Zionist Jews in the diaspora such as Jared Kushner.

There is some conflict within the Jew hivemind about just how aggressive they should be in fighting these Arabs in an endless war.

Just for example here, only 31% of Jews supported aggressive annexation schemes in a 2016 poll.

That said, according to another recent poll, 79% of them support a “unified Jewish Jerusalem.”

So probably, most of them are somewhere in-between total annexation of everything in support of Greater Israel – known as the Kushner Plan – and withdrawing to 1967 borders and installing peacefulness.

Because Bibi is so corrupt, it is possible he’ll lose.

But although there will probably be an increase in Labor representation in the Knesset, there isn’t really any chance of shitlibs taking over.

Bibi’s top challenger is another extremist – a former general who basically supports all of the extreme positions of Bibi.

However, so much of the involvement of the US in these things during the Trump administration has been based on the close relationship between Bibi and the Kushner, as well as, to a lesser extent, the deification of Bibi by Evangelical Christians.

Bibi getting ousted would absolutely throw a wrench into the schemes of American President Jared Kushner.

Even though this train would keep on rolling.

Gorloff Glirmp has announced that he’s going to declare the Iranian military a “terrorist organization” in the run-up to the election next week, just to make sure the Israelis are all aware of how successful Bibi has been in turning the entire United States into a complete and total tool for whatever Israel wants to do to anyone in the world.

But I think Israelis already understand just how devoted Gorloff is to them.

So one gesture isn’t going to make any difference.