#ISupportCEDA4: Tweeters Mock CEDA’s Defense of Black Debaters

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 14, 2014

Yesterday, we reported on the Cross Examination Debate Associations bizarre defense of their decision to give awards to flailing black apes.

Part of their plan was use the hashtag “#ISupportCEDA4” on Twitter so that believers in the annihilation of academia for the purpose of soothing black feelings could make their support known.

As it turned out, there are many more Tweeters attacking the scheme than supporting it.

They always try to silence all dissent, so using Twitter as a platform to spread their emotional gibberish was a bad move.

Here are some of them (read them all here).

ceda1i support ceda 4

For those who missed it, here is the entire video of the two teams of illiterate blacks flailing around, mumbling and screaming incoherently at one another.

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