Italy: Salvini Wants Wall on Balkan Border!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2019

Whenever I need a white pill, I just wait for some Matteo Salvini-related news to cross my desk and then I sigh with relief. Because the Salvini Saga proves that all it takes is one patriot with a modicum of power and skill to completely turn around a seemingly hopeless situation.

Italy, in general, has been a ray of light that continues to inspire and show the way!


Italy’s populist deputy prime minister and minister of the interior Matteo Salvini has proposed a border barrier to halt illegal immigration from the Balkans, similar to the one U.S. President Donald Trump wants along the Mexican-American frontier.

Salvini, whose League (La Lega) turned in one of the best performances of any European political party in the recent European Parliament elections, has proposed the barrier — which may be similar in design to the protective fences built by Hungarian premier Viktor Orbán, which slashed illegal migrant numbers by over 99 per cent — after increased activity on the Balkan migrant route.

“The Balkan route has reopened,” the Italian deputy prime minister said in comments reported by The Times.

“If the migrant flow does not stop we don’t rule out physical barriers on the frontier as an extreme remedy,” he added. 

The number of illegal migrants — often of Pakistani origin — who cross through woodlands from into Italy from Slovenia is up significantly, to 780 this year so far from a total of 446 last year.

First, he shut down the nigger rafts, now he’s shutting down the Paki smuggling routes.

Ah yes, everyone knows that Europe’s forests are home to native roaming, raping Pakis this time of the year! Nothing out of the ordinary about this at all!

With this border wall, Salvini will have made Italy nigh-impenetrable.

There will only be the passes through the Alps left. From the north, they can try to come down from Switzerland – but why do that when Germoney and IKEAstan lie to the north? No, the main problem lies from the West.

The migrants may try to pull a Hannibal-esque crossing through the Alps.

Salvini is making progress, but he’s not out of the woods yet. Only the Pakis are. Italy still needs to stay vigilant and monitor its borders from all sides to make sure that the migrants don’t steal a march on them!