Jap Friend of Trump Creating 50,000 Jobs in the US

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 20, 2016

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump pledged to make Anime real.

We are now one step closer to that.

New York Times:

The Japanese business mogul Masayoshi Son pledged to President-elect Donald J. Trump nearly two weeks ago that he would invest in the United States and create about 50,000 jobs.

On Monday, Mr. Son’s conglomerate, SoftBank, took what it described as the first step in fulfilling that commitment.

By leading a $1.2 billion investment in OneWeb, which makes satellites for internet access, SoftBank said it was continuing to invest in new technology and supporting job creation in the United States. In their announcement, SoftBank and OneWeb said the investment would create nearly 3,000 jobs in the United States over four years.

“Earlier this month, I met with President-elect Trump and shared my commitment to investing and creating jobs in the U.S.,” Mr. Son said in a statement. “America has always been at the forefront of innovation and technological development, and we are thrilled to be playing a part in continuing to drive that growth as we work to create a truly globally connected ecosystem.”

Mr. Son, whose technology and telecommunications empire has made him one of Japan’s wealthiest men, has positioned himself as a prospective partner of the coming Trump administration by promising to help spur job growth.

At a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan this month, Mr. Son pledged to invest $50 billion in the United States, which, by his reckoning, would create about 50,000 jobs. Mr. Trump has cited the pledge as a sign that he could persuade the private sector to lead improvements in the national economy.

Much of the promised investment, however, would come from a previously announced $100 billion investment fund that SoftBank will lead, called the SoftBank Vision Fund in which the conglomerate has joined Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and others.

You are going to have meaningful work in Trump’s America.

I can tell you that.

And truly, the most important thing for a man is to have meaningful work. This is more important than getting laid or eating delicious porkchops even. A man’s self-esteem comes from his work. It is priority number one.

I am blessed in that I run this Nazi website.