Jeb Bush Asks for $5 to Defend Brother George

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 19, 2015

I am starting to think Jeb is trolling us all. It feels like I am taking the bait whenever I respond to anything he’s said or done.

He is now soliciting $5 donations so he can defend his brother George’s honor against the evil Donald who says that people who got blown-up in the WTC weren’t safe.

How can this not be trolling? There is nothing less safe than burning up in a building attacked by terrorists.

Even liberal outlets are siding with Donald.

The assertion that a collapsing tower that kills you is “safe” is just too much for anyone to resist (again: bait).


Huffington Post:

When Bush allies talk about the former president’s national security legacy, they tend to stress what happened after 9/11, even though the terrorist attacks also happened during his presidency.

“As it relates to my brother, there’s one thing I know for sure: He kept us safe,” Jeb Bush said during last month’s debate. “I don’t know if you remember, Donald — you remember the rubble? You remember the firefighter with his arms around him? He sent a clear signal that the United States would be strong and fight Islamic terrorism, and he did keep us safe.”

Others have pointed out that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the response to Hurricane Katrina, also did not keep the country safe.

I half expect that after the Donald gets elected, he comes out on stage with Jeb and Jeb’s like “I was trolling you faggots, and you gobbled up that bait like hungry, hungry hippos! ‘$5 to defend my brother’s honor’? ROFLMAO are you on crack? This Mexican troll woman? It’s my maid, not my wife, you faggots! Still single – see you in the club, ladies!”

Jeb Bush