Jeez, Milo Really Let Himself Go

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 9, 2019

Nick Fuentes appeared on the MILO show over the weekend, and it was quite the thing.

For those who don’t recall, Milo was the star writer at Breitbart when Steve Bannon was in charge, and he was the third person banned from Twitter (after Chuck Johnson and me). He was doing a college tour promoting Donald Trump, and he was putting on a good show. Then journalists colluded to hoax that he’d promoted pederasty, when in fact all he did was describe the fact that homosexual men prey on teenage boys.

He was fired from Breitbart and exiled from the conservative movement. They did the hitjob because he was saying things you’re not supposed to say, and it was making some people nervous. He was completely removed from public life.

I haven’t seen him in years, and here he is on YouTube, doing some kind of bizarre world talk show, which is apparently being produced by Gavin McInnes.

The first thing you will notice is that Milo is a slovenly disaster. He has gotten fat and he is moving into a hunched posture in a gross way. He is also still trying to do his mischievous queen bit, even though he is much too old, and it is highly inappropriate.

I mean, I’ve always thought flamboyant homosexuality was inappropriate in any setting, but I’m saying it is inappropriate within our present cultural paradigm.

It’s time to take on a more demure tone, Milo. You’re too fat and old for the cutesy twink bit.


He looks like he’s morphing into some sick alternate dimension version of an out of shape, post-plastic surgery Jean-Claude Van Damme.

The second thing you will notice is that Milo, gone broke after having his career destroyed by the Jews, can no longer afford cocaine and has switched to gin and tonics, which has resulted in him lacking in sharpness as much as he is lacking in slimness. His wit is as swollen and pulsating as his cherry pink drunk face.

The poor bastard. He’s hanging out with Gavin McInnes and they’re producing low quality internet TV shows that are a tribute to 1990s Public Access TV. But they don’t seem to be aware that this is what they are making a tribute to. The whole thing appears to be unironic.

The third thing you will notice is that he is doing some kind of stilted Jim Carrey style physical comedy performance.

Maybe this is something to do with the crisis of the aging queen. Maybe when they get to be in their thirties, and the cutesy thing starts to drag, they revert to acting like Ace Ventura. I’ve not studied the phenomenon closely, but it is damn weird, I can tell you that.

Which I’m not against. Physical comedy is fine. The problem is that the energy of it is so forced that it takes the desperation from his eyes – where desperation should always remain caged – and spreads it throughout his entire aura.

And combining it with that hair and those clothes – this is like a black hole of a lack of basic self-awareness.

I feel bad for Milo.

I’ve always felt bad for Milo. Since the thing. The hit.

I think the internet was a better place when Milo was around.

The friends we met along the way, and so on.

I had my issues with the way he tried to spin 2015 Pepe memes into some libertarian gibberish and then put his own brand label on it, but he didn’t deserve to be banned anymore than anyone else deserved to be banned.

Sitting here watching this poor aging queen try to scrape out a living after being assassinated by a media hit job that took his entire career away from him brings sadness upon me.

He’s given up on ever trying to have a real career, he’s just running this to eat. He’s totally beaten and broken. It sucks he’s such a horrible writer without his team at Breitbart. He could write books that Gen X conservative women would buy. But he was always just a performer who needed a team to back him up, and now no one will pay for the team.

Oh, and Nick Fuentes is interviewed here. Because Milo is doing whatever he can to try and gain relevance, just get a couple of new followers, just get some money and attention.

I guess the lesson here is: don’t ever set up a life that is completely dependent on other people who are not your family. And always have an exit strategy.

You don’t want to be in a position where anyone can accurately describe you as “a shadow of his former self.”