Jew ‘Experts’ Allege That Antisemitism is Fashionable

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015

Antisemitism is surely fashionable here at the Daily Stormer.
Antisemitism is certainly fashionable here at the Daily Stormer.

We know better than to automatically take what the Jew says at face value. This instance applies as well.

In an apparent response to the growing Antisemitism throughout the West, some Jew ‘experts’ have claimed that Antisemitism is ‘fashionable’ nowadays.

Times of Israel:

“Unfortunately anti-Semitism has become fashionable again,” Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, executive vice president for the New York Board of Rabbis, told The Times of Israel. “It’s not a big deal to hate the Jews. The first group that gets attacked is the Jews.”

“The world is witnessing an alarming rise in acts of anti-Semitism, and we must all do what we can to respond to this growing threat,” said Eric S. Goldstein, CEO of the UJA-Federation of New York. “History has shown us the ramifications of silence.”

C’mon now. If it were truly fashionable to be Antisemitic, everybody would be voicing their opposition to Israel and the Jewish grapple on the West. That’s obviously not the case, as not even many people understand the true nature of Jewish hegemony.

Though the Daily Stormer is adamant that any promotion or act of violence is not to be tolerated by the pro-White community, it is clear that there is somewhat of an Antisemitic spirit in the air. The Jew is not only reaping what he sowed—a mudslide of third-world immigration into the West—but more of our kin are awakening to the scourge of Jewry.

Keep sharing and fighting for our worldview, fellow Fascists. And soon we will be basking in the glory of victory.