Jew media Responds to NYF Actions Against Saida Grundy

William Martel
Daily Stormer
July 3, 2015

I like to follow the National Youth Front, who seem to be an American version of National Action minus the NS part. This avoidance strategy potentially makes it difficult for their enemies to label them and gets their numbers growing. The fact is, most people are either too stupid, lazy or afraid to learn what the NSDAP was all about.

But even without the NS rhetoric and sieg heils, and avoiding all other “ISMs” as Gage would put it, the Jew media insists on calling them “White supremacists,” Nazis, bigots and so on.

Meanwhile when one reads their “who we are” meme it states the opposite. Clearly the media doesn’t care to read English nor link back to the National Youth Fronts about us section because it would tell a totally different story than what these liars are reporting.


The backlash from NYF’s Operation Grumpy Grundy just shows how retarded the United States has become.

A bunch of White people who are standing up against anti-white bigotry are called “white supremacists” and get reported in manners such as these: Boston Magazine (comment section here you can join, which seem to be many favor of NYF’s action), Boston.ComBoston Sun Times.

NYF of course rejects these stupid claims, so they decided to take their operation to the next level which Gage talks about in this video:

The moral of the story is, according to these newspapers: If you are white, you’re never right.