Jewish American Government Blames Sri Lankan Crisis on Russia

Previously: Full Collapse of Sri Lanka, Government Flees After Palace Stormed

When looking at the US/NATO war against Russia, you have to take into account just how much the Jews hate Russians, and how they couldn’t not do a war with Russia.

When the opportunity presented itself, they had to do it. Now they are just figuring things out on the fly.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed on Sunday that “Russian aggression” in Ukraine may have been partly to blame for the turmoil in Sri Lanka. The island nation has been in a state of unrest for several months, with food and fuel in short supply and prices skyrocketing. It escalated on Saturday as thousands of protesters stormed the president’s residence, forcing him to flee.

“We’re seeing the impact of this Russian aggression playing out everywhere. It may have contributed to the situation in Sri Lanka; we’re concerned about the implications around the world,” Blinken told reporters in Bangkok.

He claimed that “growing food insecurity” around the world “has been significantly exacerbated by the Russian aggression against Ukraine.” Blinken reiterated his call on Moscow to allow 20 million tons of grain to leave Ukrainian ports which, in his opinion, Russian forces are blocking as part of their military offensive.

He also added that, in Thailand, fertilizer prices have “gone sky high” due to the alleged blockade.

I can’t… I can’t really comment on that. These Jews started a war with Russia, now they’re blaming the results of their own behaviors on the Russians, generally. But the Sri Lankan situation was bound to explode after coronavirus, and all these green deals that the West had signed Sri Lanka up for.

Apparently, they are going to blame the coming domino collapse of third world governments on Russia, haha.

Bold move. 

Maybe the Thais will believe it – as Blinken’s Jewish organizations are attempting to overthrow their own government.

Most of the Jews involved in this super-aggressively are Russian Jews – Victoria Nuland, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, etc., along with the vast majority of the media Jews. Apparently, Blinken is a Hungarian Jew.

I mean, they’re all Jews. But the ones from Russia tend to be a lot more vicious and Russia-obsessed than the ones from Germany. Henry Kissinger is an exception to the Jewish rule, but it’s also notable that he’s a German Jew.

It’s mostly a pointless distinction, because again, they are definitely all Jews – but we do see much higher levels of hostility from Russian Jews.

I don’t know why the Jews hate Russians so much. Honestly, I’m starting to think it is something spiritual. Of course, Russia is the last real white power on earth, so maybe there’s no need to overcomplicate it. But sometimes I wonder if it doesn’t go back to Constantinople.

Whatever the case, it’s all on Russia now. It’s do or die.

Thankfully, we seem to be seeing a lot more doing than dying.

Weeb Russian Twitter accounts are coming to the same conclusion as me about the fact that the UN and media are now admitting to human shields – something we’ve known since March were the core of “Ukraine” military strategy.